After the advent of serological tests, there is now the possibility of making the much-requested swab in the laboratory under the house, but only in some regions. In Lazio, yes to the new rapid tests
by Marzio Bartoloni and Francesca Cerati
After the advent of serological tests, there is now the possibility of making the much-requested swab in the laboratory under the house, but only in some regions. In Lazio, yes to the new rapid tests
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In the beginning there was the molecular swab, the gold standard for Covid diagnoses, which could be done solely and exclusively if requested by ASL. In recent weeks, however, the landscape has changed radically and after the arrival of serological tests that detect through antibodies if you have come into contact with the virus, there is now the possibility of performing the coveted swab in your home laboratory with prices ranging from 60 to 120 euros but in some cases I go up to 200 euros. However, this option is only possible in Lombardy, Emilia, Veneto, Piedmont, Basilicata and Trentino. In the other regions, however, private swab is prohibited even if you pay out of pocket. Lazio, however, has just signed an agreement with the laboratories that will allow rapid swabs – antigen tests now widely used in schools – to be carried out at a cost of 22 euros.
Where to make swabs in the regions
For several days, the health service through its prevention departments has exceeded the threshold of 100,000 tampons per day. Tests that are performed on symptomatic patients, but also on all contacts (the famous tracing) that, now that the season of flu syndromes begins, will increase the need for tampons even more as the symptoms are often confused. Hence the opening of some Autonomous Communities to the possibility of citizens doing the swab from the private laboratory, paying out of their own pocket, with costs that range on average between 60 and 120 euros.
Among the largest private centers with a capillary network of laboratories throughout Italy are, for example, Synlab, present in Italy in eight regions (Lombardy with more than 130 sampling points, Liguria, Tuscany, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Campania, Emilia Romagna) and Lifebrain present in 17 Regions that with an average cost of 80 euros (85 in Trento and 60 in Basilicata) guarantee the swab examination where the regional regulations allow it, however, with a medical prescription. The same centers throughout Italy also offer serological tests with costs from a minimum of € 20 for the qualitative test to a maximum of € 60 for the quantitative test. “To date we have carried out more than 500 thousand serological tests and swabs, focusing on professionalism and the highest quality of our analytical services, thanks to a logistical and territorial network that allows us to offer extensive support in 17 Italian regions”, he explains Riccardo Manca. CEO of the Lifebrain Group. That, among other things, it also collaborates with companies to carry out tests among workers -for example Ferrari- and the world of sports “in favor of football clubs and national federations, such as the Italian Volleyball Federation or the Fir”, he adds. Lacks.
The case of rapid tests, precursor of Lazio
The new frontier of Covid tests is rapid antigen tests that give results in 15-20 minutes even if they are less reliable. There are two versions: the one that resembles the traditional swab because the sampling methods are the same (a long cotton swab is used to insert into the nose) and for this reason they have been renamed “quick swabs” and then the tests salivary that involve saliva sampling and are therefore less invasive. Currently, both tests are being massively tested in schools. Lazio has decided to lead the way and recently signed an agreement with the trade associations Aiop, Federlazio, Anisap and Unindustria to bring antigenic rapid swabs to some 200 laboratories at the controlled price of 22 euros.
The reference test for a Covid diagnosis, however, for the moment remains molecular and the prices are standardized. The “cotton swab” with the tube to transport the collected nasopharyngeal material, therefore the first phase, costs 1-1.50 euros; the reagent plus the depreciation of the machine from 18 to 25 euros depending on the technology, to which must be added the “labor” of the chemist, 40-45 euros.