On the day that the accountant Michele Scillieri begins speaking in front of prosecutors, new “suspicious transactions” of the League appear.
The staff of the former Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, would have received funds from companies headed by Alberto Di Rubba and Andrea Manzoni, the two auditors of the party’s coffers in the Senate and in the Chamber, ended up under house arrest for the Lombardy Commission of Movie theater. The reconstruction of the money movements towards the Salvini staff is contained in an SOS (Suspicious Transaction Report) of the FIU of the Bank of Italy attached to the facts of the Milanese investigation. The report indicates that Vadolive srl, a company that deals with advertising and that in the past belonged to “Vanessa Servalli, Di Rubba’s sister-in-law, a barista by profession”, has received transfers from both the Northern League and two affiliated companies to Manzoni and Di Rubba: Investments and Studio Dea Consulting. “These funds – continues the note from the FIU – were used to make payments in favor of some members of Minister Salvini’s staff: Luca Morisi, Leonardo Foa and Matteo Pandini.”
Morisi is the man of “social” communication, at the head of a team called “the Beast” that creates Salvini’s posts on various social networks. On the same staff is Leonardo Foa, son of the president of Rai Marcello Foa. Earlier it was learned that Morisi had received funding from the Lega group in the Senate for advice.
In addition to her role at Vadolive, Servalli also appears to have been a director of Non solo Auto, another of the companies attributable to Di Rubba. Furthermore, Servalli herself had the power to operate on behalf of Taaac, another company that had the two accountants as beneficial owners and is often featured in Milanese investigation papers.
Meanwhile, yesterday the first face to face between the accountant Michele Scillieri and the prosecutors Eugenio Fusco and Stefano Civardi was held. A meeting that lasted for almost eight hours, until 5 in the afternoon, in great secrecy at the offices of the Treasury Police. The minutes are kept secret but “a window of collaboration has been opened” that could make Carroccio tremble.
In the registry office Michele Gaetano Arturo Maria Scillieri, 57, impeccable criminal record, but for magistrates “they used to develop models intended to fraudulently subtract companies in a state of decoction of the payment of taxes, illegally requesting their cancellation of the commercial registry” It is the accountant who offered his office in via delle Stelline to register and domicile the Lega for Salvini Premier. After the arrests, the party leader “left” him, implying that he does not know him. Unlike Manzoni and Di Rubba, he is not an organic, but he is close to his accountants, especially Manzoni who worked in his studio until 2010 and, with him, frequented the Via Bellerio.
So much so that, figurehead Luca Sostegni explained to prosecutors, “Scillieri bragged about the friendships he had with Di Rubba andl other local members of the League, and had received a commission to try to sell the League headquarters in via Bellerio. The “clubhead” said again in San Vittore since July: “I remember that there was a rush to conclude the operation because, being a property of the Northern League, there was a risk of being seized by the Genoa Prosecutor’s Office.” in connection with the investigation of electoral refund fraud ”. The operation then disappeared. The accountant’s “business” with the Carroccio has been going on for some time. The investigation documents read that, between 2016 and 2018, he received a total of “84 thousand euros from the political party” and, in 2017, 17 thousand euros from Pontida Fin.
Yesterday Scillieri, assisted by lawyer Massimo Dinoia, hinted that he has a lot to tell. He only briefly opened his “memory drawer”. It remains to be seen whether this is another counter hoax. Or if there are really hidden secrets in there that can make League leaders tremble.