suspended visits and surgical interventions that require the use of intensive care


VENICE – Veneto, with a circular from the Region, has ordered since last night in all accredited public and private health establishments “the suspension of any scheduled surgical activity that includes recourse to postoperative intensive care», With the exception of emergencies-emergencies, such as interventions for accidents, strokes and heart attacks. This – explained the Councilor for Health, Manuela Lanzarote – so as not to occupy, with ‘programmed’ activities, places in intensive care. In fact, he added, Veneto could enter ‘phase 4’, now it is at 3, of the public health plan for Covid in a few days.


Veneto coronavirus, 2740 cases at night and 16 deaths 7 of which only in Verona

He also added Commissioner Lanzarote, the new step of the health plan designed to face the new wave of the virus foresees “reducing all non-urgent activity programmed internally”, both for public and private structures. This – explains the circular -. “Have personnel to manage Covid patients, with the exception of non-postponed activities, particularly in the field of oncology.” “Today, having 100 more hospitalizations for Covid per day – explained President Zaia – we understand that, if this trend continued, in 10 days we would have thousands of more patients to be hospitalized. We are ready to do it, no panic, but we have the numbers. Activities must be regulated as much as possible, to have the maximum availability of health professionals, whom I thank, for the care of Covid patients ”.

«The suspended activities – clarified Zaia – They certainly do not refer to cancer, pediatric or terminally ill patients. Lazarin explained that at this time Veneto’s approach to ‘phase 4’, which starts in the range of 150-250 patients in intensive care and 900-1,500 in the non-critical area, refers mainly to the latter case, not so much to resuscitation. For this reason, reported Lanzarote, the 11 Covid Hospitals have been activated “formally” which will gradually reduce normal activities, while those of the hospital hubs remain unchanged.


In Veneto, the suspension of intramural activity and outpatient visits by specialists from accredited public and private hospitals, with the exception of emergency services, was ordered. This was established by means of a circular of the Region, in relation to the plan emergency for the fight against Covid-19. Activities in the maternal and child, oncological, rare and non-postponable diseases are guaranteed for the clinical picture of the patients, both as the first specialist visit and as a control. Based on priorities, needs and reduced production capacity, health authorities can agree on the possibility of providing other types of services with accredited private structures. Finally, companies are advised to implement the provision of telemedicine services, and to extend telephone and online services to the maximum. The deadline of November 10 is set for the application of these provisions.

Last updated: 21:40

