
Vittorio feltri
Tomorrow we vote in various regions and all parties believe they will win. We don’t like to do forecasts especially this time as uncertainty dominates. It seems the right wing has an advantage, best wishes. Whatever the results of the national polls, they will change nothing. Local suffrage, it is known, cannot affect the fate of the government, which will continue to cause trouble of all kinds undisturbed. It is true that many years ago D’Alema, Then prime minister, he resigned after an unsatisfactory regional consultation for the left. It was an exception that even now proves the rule.
The life of an executive does not depend on the political color of the new governors and the new councils authorized to act in a defined territory. Therefore, no one has any illusions that it is possible as of Monday, once the count is made, to be able to change the course of Republican history. The bombastic statements of the leaders that the newspapers report with emphasis leave the (bad) moment they find. The League aims to promote the Ceccardi in Tuscany, a smart lady Libero is covering on the cover today. We expect the queen to beat her opponent on the left, but slowly with optimism. The recent romance of Emilia docet. Where communists and post-communists have ruled for more than half a century, it is not easy for the Northern League and its associates to prevail. Quiet with enthusiasm.
Celebrations are best done after a possible claim, not on the eve. In any case, the difficulties of pentastellati and Democrats, whose experience at the top of the administration was poor. However, the final judgment rests with the people. We wait for Monday to judge the situation. As for the constitutional referendum on the cut of parliamentarians, I have to admit that I don’t give a damn. I know that they are going to prevent the yes because generally the political personnel are in the goiter. The majority, in the nose, will be in favor of the shears and the idea of eliminating a large part of deputies and senators, therefore will vote with enthusiasm for their annihilation. The first movement to be cut will be the grillino, which is the same one that proposed the reduction. His will be a perfect suicide, happy indeed. The show that stupidity offers never disappoints.

We recall for fun that the massacre proposal was approved in the Chambers by all parties, including those that have now backed down and say they are inclined no. Dumber than that is hard to be. Given this, I will not go to the electoral college. I would have liked the removal of the Senate, photocopy of Madama Palace, which would have favored the simplification of legislative processes. I would only add that a thinning of the honorable members does not take my sleep. So tomorrow instead of going to the cabin get in at the bar for a snack to the health of dying politicians.