The government crisis currently costs Matteo renzi a decrease in polls 0.6%. Not a little, for a match that in mid-December was at 3% and now stands at 2.4%, that is, below the threshold provided by the possible electoral law. If we vote today, therefore, according to the survey carried out by Ipsos for the Corriere della Sera Alive italy it would be outside Parliament. For 44% of those interviewed, in fact, the break with the rest of the majority is due to Renzi’s desire to persecute his own. personal interests or its political side. Only 16% believe that at the base there are “political issues of merit”, that is, too great distances between Iv and Conte on issues that are important to the country. 9% read behind the entire operation one personal confrontation between Renzi and the prime minister, while 6% accuse Palazzo Chigi of pursuing their interests. Adding the above percentages, 25% is left out, that is, one in four Italians, who admits not knowing how to answer the question.
The Ipsos survey therefore photographs a lost of citizens in a crisis whose reasons are difficult to understand. 45% of those surveyed claim to have understood them, while 42% respond with a dry no and 13% cannot respond. Consequently, most citizens believe that the experience of Conte government must continue. “43% think it has been a positive phase, 36% think it has come to an end. One in five cannot answer. The percentages obviously vary within the electorate of each party. It is significant that it is above all the base of the Giallorossi executive that values the executive: 81% of those who vote for the Pd think it should continue, while among the pentastellati the figure drops slightly to 77% and 64% in the left. The voters of the League and of Brothers from Italy are in great majority for a changing of the guard, while the in front of the moderates is more divided: one in two wants the government to fall, while the 38% of forcas prefer Conte to stay in the chair.
What if you vote today? As mentioned, Italia viva would get 2.4%, a far cry from the 6.2 that Ipsos assigned it at the end of October 2019, that is, shortly after its birth. the Pd is administered at 19.9%, slightly below 20.2 from a month ago. In slight ascent the 5 star movement, now at 16.3%, as well as Free and equal, which earns a good 0.5% and grows to 3.5%. Carlo Calenda action it is at 3.3%, while + Europe and Green Europe are below the threshold. On the center-right front, the first match is still the Lega di Matteo Salvini, despite continuing to lose ground: if you voted today you would get 23.1% of the votes. In clear rise Go Italy, which goes from 9.3% in mid-December to 10.2%. All at the expense of Giorgia Meloni: Fratelli d’Italia leaves 1% on the ground and falls to 15%. The abstentions are 39.1%. A hypothetical list is not considered in the survey Conte, but in January the satisfaction of the prime minister is still above 50 points (going from 57 to 56). A figure higher than that of October 2019, when he arrived at Palazzo Chigi with the support of the Pd and M5 with a revaluation of 53 points. The positive opinion towards the executive remained stable (49), also in this case higher than 42 of the initial phases.
The survey was conducted by Ipsos for the He ran in a random national champion representative of the Italian adult population by sex, age, level of education, geographic area of residence, size of the municipality of residence. Thousands of interviews were conducted (of 5,725 contacts), conducted using the mixed Cati / Cami / Cawi mode between January 13 and 14, 2021. To give stability to the published estimates, the results presented are the product of an elaboration based, in addition to the 1,000 interviews mentioned above, on a file of approximately 5,000 interviews conducted between December 9, 2020 and January 8, 2021.