“Surrealist, no more controversial” – Libero Quotidiano


The new Dpcm Signed by Giuseppe Conte It will finally come into force as of tomorrow, Friday, November 6. The restrictive measures have already been postponed twice, but this time even the ongoing confrontation between the government and the Regions will not be able to stop them. Obviously, the most controversial point is three risk bands and above all the location of the different territories: the governors of Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria (which by the way all belong to the center-right) do not give in to the government’s decision to include their regions among the red zones, thus condemning them to the harshest restrictions, or to a kind of new confinement similar to that of last March.

I know Attilio fontana this morning he appeared quite resigned in the red zone of Lombardy, declaring that only two weeks after the entry into force could return to normal, the same cannot be said of Alberto Cirio. On the other hand, he still harshly criticized the government’s election: “That it was necessary to tighten the containment measures against the virus was evident, so much so that in Piedmont I had already advanced to the Dpcm with ordinances that had worried the school, the ability to public transportation and shopping malls The fact that the government chosen on the basis of ten days old data however, there is a risk of not taking into account all these elements ”. The risk for Cirio, that is, could put the regions that are in the process of improvement in a more critical situation, without taking into account the “deterioration of other realities in our country.”

Meanwhile, also from Calabria the Northern League Nino Spirlì announced that will challenge the ordinance of the Ministry of HealthDefining the government’s decision as “unjustifiable” given that according to him the regional health system is not experiencing difficulties. Roberto Speranza however, he intervened to try to call everyone to order at this delicate moment: “It is surreal that instead of assuming their share of responsibility there are those who pretend to ignore the seriousness of the data on their territories. The Regions feed the data with which the control room has been monitoring since May. In the control room there are three representatives indicated by the Regions. We need unity and responsibility – he commented – not useless polemics ”.
