Surprised to do his business on the street, he reacts to municipal agents []


16.11.2020 h 10:42 comments

Surprised to do his business on the street, he reacts to municipal agents

The one-time man took the complaint out of indignation and resistance to a public official in addition to the sanctions for having left without just cause and for not wearing the mask.

Surprised doing his business on the street, he reacts to municipal agents

In one fell swoop he managed to collect three sanctions: indignation and resistance to a public official, violation of the regulations prescribed by the Dpcm Government that prohibits exits in the red zone without just cause and lack of a mask. These are the accusations against a 57-year-old prato who was found yesterday by the municipal government while urinating in the Piazza del Pesce.
When the agents approached him, the man verbally attacked him and refused to provide his personal information. So they took him to the command of piazza dei Macelli to be identified. He was also fined 400 euros for not being able to give a valid reason why he was away from home and an equal sanction for not respecting the obligation to wear the mask. The same person, who lives in the center, was also reported a few days ago.

Related local editions: Prato

News date:
16.11.2020 h 10:42

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