“We are satisfied with the approval in the Budget Committee of the amendments to the school’s maneuver, Parliament has been able to make a pleasant improvement contribution to the Government text.” This was declared by the deputies and deputies of the 5 Star Movement in the Culture Commission.
“In particular, thanks to an amendment signed by Vittoria Casa, we have authorized a more agile competition for the introduction of teachers with the specialization in support.
Another amendment especially relevant to the school world and always to the first signature of Casa, refers to the modification of the minimum parameters of school sizing so as not to cause hundreds of schools to lose ownership of the headquarters of the Director and the DSGA, thus avoiding that ex officio regencies, unfortunately so far more and more common, have increased due to the decrease in the birth rate ”, the pentastellati spokesmen continue.
Also important are the elimination of limits to the displacement of the DSGA competition rankings, thanks to an amendment signed by Virginia Villani, and the allocation of adequate resources to allow, according to health safety standards, the correct execution of the examinations conclusions of the first and second cycle of education of this school year, as proposed by the deputy Alessandra Carbonaro ”, they conclude.