Statement from the Ministry of Education – The Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, met today, by videoconference, with the representatives of the National Forum of the Associations of Parents of the School (FONAGS). Among the central themes of the discussion, Integrated Digital Didactics, school inclusion, the right to study of female and male students from all over the country.
The associations have shared with the Ministry a unitary document in which they have included proposals, ideas, and considerations. “It should not be the students who pay the highest price for this emergency – the minister reiterated -. I thank FONAGS for the frank and fruitful comparison. We all have the same goal: to put girls and boys at the center, to protect their right to education. We are collaborating with the local authorities and the regions – he added – to find the best solutions in this emergency phase ”.
Then, the minister recalled that in the field of transport “the Regional School Offices have already made themselves available to local authorities and Regions, as they had already done this summer, to identify the most suitable time slots for secondary school children . “. While on the support front, another very important issue for students and families, we are working with Minister Manfredi to increase the number of specialized teachers. “We will continue to maintain our focus on inclusion and the right to education,” concluded the Minister.
Home (M5S): listen to parents and students to start over with face-to-face teaching
“The National Forum of Associations of School Parents and the National Forum of Student Associations have raised concerns and proposals to the Commission due to the delicate phase that the world of education is going through, dealing with the problem of the pandemic. The girls and boys were proactive, showing that they care about the school and that they know how to point out new ways to reform it effectively. In particular, they propose innovative teaching, the deepening of learning trajectories and the choice of subsequent educational levels, the improvement of infrastructures, the attention to the weakest groups, the use of digital technology as an innovative complement to lessons carried out in the classroom. Above all, they want a school in the presence, aware of the problems that distance education implies in the day-to-day life of each one of them ”: thus Vittoria Casa, President of the Culture, Science and Education Commission of the Chamber, on the sidelines of today’s audience in the Chamber.
“Today there is a great opportunity to rethink the school. Constant dialogue with male and female students will also be essential with regard to the Recovery Fund. We have to write together a new vision of the school ”, concludes the president of Casa.