Superiors, Emiliano “As of Monday 26 the face-to-face classes of the last 3 classes are suspended”


Bari, October 22, 2020. The president of the Puglia region, Michele Emiliano, today issued ordinance n. 397 regarding Urgent Measures to address the epidemiological emergency due to COVID-19, which provides:

1. With effect from October 26 – pending the adoption of the measures provided for by the dpcm of October 18, 2020 regarding the reorganization of teaching activities and the remodeling of the entry and exit times of students, to be presented at the first useful meeting of the regional and local coordination planned by the cd. School plan, adopted with DM June 26, 2020, n. 39, and in any case no later than November 13, 2020 – “face-to-face” teaching activities are suspended in all upper secondary schools, limited to the last three classes of the same school year.


AS OF MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, “IN PRESENCE” LESSONS ARE SUSPENDED FOR THE LAST 3 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES As you will read in the newsletters, Covid infections continue to increase, not only in Apulia, but in Italy and abroad. We have started to further strengthen the hospital structure, but measures are also needed to keep the number of infections lower. I have just issued an ordinance that, as of Monday, October 26, provides for the suspension of “face-to-face” teaching activities in all upper secondary schools, limited to the last three classes. After long consultations with the entire school and union system, we decided to give the Board coordinated by the Regional School Directorate a deadline until November 13 to misalign the entry and exit times in schools, a necessary step to reorganize transportation with carriers and solve the problem of overloaded lines. While waiting for this reorganization of the school hours, keeping 120,000 Apulianos at home at this time also means reducing and slowing down the number of infections.In this link you can read the complete news and the text of ordinance n. 397. Luigi Lopalco, epidemiologist Sebastiano Leo Giovanni Giannini

Posted by Michele Emiliano on Thursday, October 22, 2020

2 IS strongly recommended to public and private employers, with the exception of health and socio-health personnel and personnel engaged in activities related to the emergency or essential public services, use or increase agile work and differentiate the working hours of the personnel in attendance, in a way compatible with the needs of the service and with special attention to the workers who use public transport to get to the workplace, dividing it into staggered time slots.

The car states that, based on what was verified by the competent Department, in order to avoid continuous peaks in the use of collective public transport and associated overcrowding, there are objective conditions to harden, with effect from 26 of October 2020, the emergency provisions aimed at containing the spread of the virus, without prejudice to new assessments that the competent Health Department may carry out in light of the evolution of the epidemiological situation and the result of the impact analysis of the current measures in force to deal with the emergency.

The decision was made at the end of the permanent regional table to start the 2020/2021 school year, gathered this morning by the director of the Regional Office of the Anna Cammalleri School, in which the president of the Puglia Region Michele Emiliano participated, the counselors of the Sebastiano Leo School, Transport Gianni Giannini and Pier Luigi Lopalco in Health Policies, along with all the members of the table.

After long consultations with the entire school system and the unions – declares President Emiliano – we decided to give the table until November 13. Misaligning the entry and exit times in schools, a necessary step to reorganize transport with carriers and solve the problem of overloaded lines ”.

“As you will read in the newsletters – he added – infections continue to increase. We have started to further strengthen the structure of the hospital, but some measures are needed to keep the number of infections lower. For this reason, we ask schools to make a particular sacrifice: to identify which are the transport lines that, in the opinion of children, families and the schools themselves, are overloaded and therefore need the misalignment of schedules, to be able to use more times the same vehicle, or the strengthening of the line with new vehicles and drivers. These are not unlimited resources, but as the situation gets more and more complicated, we have asked all schools, for the last three high school classes, to move to distance education from Monday and then provide us with this data , in order to be able to reactivate face-to-face teaching since we have a better organized relationship between schools and school transporters. Nothing particularly dramatic. The offer is aimed at older children, who know the teachers and already have a friendly relationship with each other, those who are more involved in school transport and who, at the same time, live more in society. Keeping 120,000 Apulians at home right now also means reducing and slowing down the number of infections. “
