super red zone and all the assumptions on the table


Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 9, Technical scientific committee They will meet to assess the convenience of tightening anti-contagion measures in the face of a worsening of the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of the variants. The hypotheses on the table are different: there are those who speak of a emergency shutdown national for a few weeks (in which, in parallel, strengthen the vaccination campaign in order to immunize the population for the reopening, some for a squeeze on weekends. But also a red zone strengthened with stricter rules or criteria more stringent to trigger closures.

In short, the possibilities are different and we will have to wait for the experts to express themselves officially to understand the direction that the government intends to take in the fight against the virus. One of the hypotheses considered is precisely that of creating a super red zone throughout the country (with the exception, perhaps, of those areas such as Sardinia where there are very few infections) for a few weeks, to allow the acceleration of the vaccination campaign.

The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, however, was clear: the impact of the variants will make the contagion curve grow again and by next weekend the map of Italy could be increasingly red. What Speranza stressed is that the structure of restrictions and prohibitions is always tailor-made by looking at the contagion curve. If this rises they will surely go also reinforced anti-contagion rules: “The measures must be adapted to the trend of the epidemiological curve. On the variants that are being studied, science has no immediate solution or a magic wand. He is analyzing the theme, including Brazilian, South African and other variants. The certainty is that they are present and represent a new challenge“he added.

That there could be news on the horizon was also leaked by the words spoken today in a video message from the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi:We are only at the beginning, our task is to safeguard the lives of Italians by any means and to allow the return to normality as soon as possible. Every life counts, don’t waste a moment. We have to make thoughtful but quick decisions. I don’t want to promise anything that can’t be achieved, your concerns are mine“, He said.
