Sunday pending new restrictions


Milan dock duomo garibaldi masks by jacopo belloni

The contagion curve grows exponentially, so the Government is determined not to wait any longer to take new measures.

A new dpcm is expected on Monday, to further tighten the cordon against coronavirus. This is what comes out of the meetings and statements that leak into a Sunday full of meetings and debates with all the parties involved.

IIn the morning the videoconference with the ministers Roberto Speranza (Health) and Francesco Boccia (Regional Affairs) with the representatives of the Regions, Municipalities (Anci) and Provinces (Upi), precisely to discuss the new measures that the government is evaluating to counter the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic. Among the governors are connected, among others, Bonaccini (Emilia Romagna, president of the Conference of Regions), Fontana (Lombardy), Fedriga (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Toti (Liguria), Toma (Molise), Emiliano (Puglia), De Luca (Campania), Tesei (Umbria), Marsilio (Abruzzo), Cirio (Piedmont), Giani (Tuscany).

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will speak in Parliament on Monday to discuss measures against the pandemic, which will be followed by a meeting and then the new dpcm.

There is no insistence on a generalized lockdown like last spring, but close for a period to be defined (two or three weeks) the areas where infections increase the most. Among these areas are the big cities, Milan and Naples in particular, but also the provinces of Varese, Monza and Brianza and Como, where infections are increasing exponentially.

There are rumors about the content of the new dpcm even new streets for discos, shops and shopping centers, new measures for the school (totally remote secondary lessons and interventions also for middle schools), prohibition of movement between territories and other types of restrictions, but it will be the comparison with the Regions and Municipalities that will define the actual content of the document.
