Sunday on V-Day throughout Italy


Vaccino, the first doses on the 26th in Spallanzani: Sunday 5th throughout Italy

From Belgium, from the Puurs plant, trucks with the first European doses of vaccine anti-Covid license plate Pfizer-BioNTech. In Italy 9,750 vials will arrive tomorrow, December 26, at Spallanzani of Rome for the symbolic vaccination of V-day European on Sunday. The boxes will be stored and divided: some will go to the Pratica di Mare military airport to take off with 5 planes to the most distant regions. Others, always with military vehicles, will reach the other “sub-hubs” within a radius of 300 kilometers. The rest of the vaccines will be used in Spallanzani. Mass vaccination is expected to begin next week, when Pfizer has guaranteed another 450,000 doses.

Codogno, the first vaccination in the room where “Patient 1” was hospitalized

In the same room where on February 20 the swab was made with which the first case of coronavirus was officially verified in Italy and Mattia Maestri rose to the forefront of the news with the nickname of “Patient 1“The first anti-Covid vaccine will now be applied. At the hospital in Codogno, one of the symbolic structures of the pandemic in Italy, and among those chosen for Vax-Day, the day that marks the start of the vaccine administration campaign in the resuscitation room, right in the room where Mattia was hospitalized, are installing the stations.

The first to undergo the vaccine will be three operators who represent the commitment and “battle” of doctors and health personnel against the epidemic: it is a nurse from the team of the same intensive care unit, currently empty in terms of The renovations will begin – however there are 4 intensive care beds in the ER – by the head of the ER Stefano Paglia and by Massimo Vajani, president of the Lodi order of doctors but also a general practitioner.

Next Sunday, the general director of Asst di Lodi Salvatore Gioia will also attend Vax-Day, perhaps but still not sure Annalisa Malara -one of the two doctors who, forcing the protocols, requested and managed to subject Mattia to the swab- and the mayor of Codogno, Francesco Passerini. “I hope that here next Sunday, where it all began, is the beginning of the end of this nightmare that has been ravaging our territory for 10 months,” said the mayor, hoping that Vax Day is the starting point to “be able to look to the future with renewed enthusiasm and get to savor that freedom that in this period unfortunately I believe is what has been lacking the most. We hope that it is a good omen for 2021 “.

Naples, V-Day for 100 doctors in Cardarelli

Everything is ready at the Cardarelli hospital in Naples for the V-Day on Sunday, December 27. It will be the tent set up behind the emergency room to house the health personnel who will be the first to be vaccinated. For now, the estimate is to be able to practice the first vaccination at approximately 10 in the morning. In Cardarelli, the first to be vaccinated will be Dr. Filomena Liccardi: on duty in the emergency room, Dr. Liccardi has been involved in the fight against Covid from the beginning.

Creation of five vaccination boxes plus one, to have a sixth box in case of temporary unavailability. Nine are the observation posts that will be used to monitor the vaccinated during the 15 minutes following the inoculation of the dose. A “red dot”, a code red station, has also been established, which could be used in the unlikely event of anaphylactic shock or a particularly serious adverse reaction.

Before proceeding with the vaccination, all personnel will be informed about the characteristics of the vaccine so that they can obtain informed consent. The list of candidates for vaccination has also been studied in detail. In fact, there are 100 doctors, nurses and health social workers selected based on the risk factor derived from the tasks performed. Personnel who are on duty in the Covid operating units or who will be responsible for administering the vaccines.

Tuscany, the Army changes the delivery date: it will be 27

The Army has communicated to the Tuscany Region the change of date and time for the delivery of anti-Covid vaccines. The new arrival date of the 620 doses, the first stock to be distributed in the region, is scheduled for 8 a.m. on Sunday, December 27, again at the Careggi Hospital Pharmacy in Florence, so no longer It will be the afternoon of Saturday, December 26, as has been announced so far. This was announced by the region of Tuscany itself. Governor Eugenio Giani will be present at the delivery.

The Tuscany Region has also published the list of health establishments where the first phase of the anti-Covid vaccination campaign will begin on Sunday, December 27, with the first 620 doses of vaccine available: Aou Careggi and the new San Giovanni di Dio hospital. in Florence; The San Iacopo hospital in Pistoia; Santo Stefano Hospital in Prato; The San Giuseppe hospital in Empoli (Florence); Aou Pisana; Livorno Hospital; San Luca Hospital Unit in Lucca; hospital of the Apuan Alps in Massa (Massa Carrara); Aou Senese in Siena; The San Donato Hospital in Arezzo; Mercy Hospital of Grosseto; Rsa Montedomini from Florence.

Sicily, first dose in Palermo

Also in Sicily, Sunday December 27 will be Day V. The first dose of the anti-Covid vaccine will be administered on the island at 11.30 am in pavilion 24 of the Civic Hospital of Palermo. Accredited journalists and operators will be able to enter the hospital from the entrance in via Parlavecchio.

