Sunday, November 15. World day of the poor: how to get involved


The World day of the poor 2020, the fourth, will be held Sunday November 15, but due to the coronavirus it will be different from other editions.
“Extend your hand to the poor” is the theme chosen this year as expressed in the Pope’s message for this IV Day. “In these months, in which the whole world has been overwhelmed by a virus that has brought pain and death, despair and bewilderment, how many outstretched hands have we been able to see!” Father, remembering that “this is a propitious moment to feel once again that we need each other, that we have a responsibility to others and to the world.”


Mass presided over by Pope Francis at the altar of the Chair of the Vatican Basilica at 10 am. he sees the presence of only a hundred people, who represent the world’s poor. It will be possible for the whole world to follow him on TV because the Pope’s celebration will be broadcast on TV2000 (Channel 28-157 Sky) and on Rai Uno (broadcast on RaiPlay). While listening to it on the radio, just connect to Vatican Radio or Radio InBlu. In Vatican News, it is also possible to follow the video transmission through the YouTube channel.

The pandemic does not stop the Pope’s charity: for this occasion, a solidarity network has also been activated to bring food, masks and aid to thousands of families in some 60 Roman parishes, to family homes and charitable associations. In addition, in the clinic managed by the Apostolic Charity for people in need, it will be possible to perform a swab for the COVID-19.

From solidarity spending vouchers to cohousing for the homeless: local initiatives

From north to south, Caritas is at the forefront to raise awareness and assist families in difficulty. In the background the multiple economic and social wounds caused by the pandemic.

“Ours should not be philanthropy, but true charity, it should spring from the love with which we are loved by Christ. And it is with this love that we are called to serve ”. The words of a letter written for the occasion by the bishop of Alexandria Guido Gallese, gives a good picture of the significance of the many diocesan initiatives planned, from north to south, for the World Day of the Poor that is celebrated on Sunday. Initiatives of material aid, reflection and prayer.

In Piedmont and Aostala Valley The delegation of the 17 diocesan Caritas present in the area decided this Sunday to donate the collection to people affected by the flood that a month ago caused damages in Piedmont estimated at one billion euros, according to a provisional survey, with more than 360 Urgent interventions requested by Governor Alberto Cirio to the Minister of the Interior.

A Torino Among the many faces of poverty are those of 80 families affected by the loss of their jobs, in the San Paolo district, followed daily by a charitable commission that brings together 4 parishes. Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia will deliver food packages to you on Sunday. Starting at 5 pm, in the same district, Nosiglia will meet and serve homeless guests at the “Corner Space” night dining room of the Maria Madre della Provvidenza association.

A Gorizia Tomorrow morning the Children’s Emporium, Casa San Francesco, will be inaugurated and the “Scrosoppi” Fund will officially enter into operation, intended for those who have suffered serious economic damage from the pandemic. At 11:30 a.m., a prayer meeting will be held in the church of Santa Maria Assunta led by the Archbishop and President of Italian Caritas, Carlo Roberto Maria Redaelli.

A Padua Today the diocesan assembly of the Caritas parish and the vicarial listening centers are being held on the theme “Charity in times of fragility”, with an introductory greeting from Bishop Claudio Cipolla.

Sunday to Pavia After Mass, Bishop Corrado Sanguineti will go to the Caritas bedroom to share Sunday lunch with the guests. It will be a special meal, prepared with the participation of a local cooperative.

In the diocese of Rimini, Among the multiple activities scheduled, the province’s civil protection prepares 150 meals that the Caritas de Cattolica and Valle del Rubicone will deliver to families in the area. The Diocese and Caritas have prepared a short video on the theme of the Day to be used in church or other parish gatherings.

A Meadow, Starting at 10 am on Saturday, a Facebook marathon begins on the Caritas page with various testimonies, including that of Bishop Giovanni Nerbini, the mayor, the prefect and several priests, alternating with moments of music and poetry.

A Grosseto On Sunday in all the parishes the awareness and fundraising campaign will begin for the creation of the new headquarters of the diocesan Caritas, which will have the Bottega della Solidaridad (with its exhibition point), the parish warehouse, inside the dining room. food drives made throughout the year) and the listening center.

Saturday to Naples Cardinal Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe receives the homeless from the “Comunità delle Genti” house, inaugurated last June.

A Lecce Sunday will be an opportunity to publicize the project of free social coexistence for homeless people “Il Cammino”, which will start shortly, promoted by the local Casa della Carità Foundation.

A Catanzaro-Squillace Bishop Vincenzo Bertolone recalled in a letter the example of Blessed Giacomo Cusmano, founder of the Boccone del Povero Congregation, and his words “the poor are the hiding place of God”, inviting the ecclesial community to listen more and more. the needs of those around us.

Sunday in the diocese of Ugento-Santa Maria di Leuca, In the companies participating in the initiative, “Spesa SoSpesa” vouchers of 2 and 5 euros will be made available to customers, which will be used by the leaders of the Caritas parish to provide basic needs to families in difficulty.

A Catania, At the Sanctuary of San Francesco d’Assisi all’Immacolata, after the mass celebrated by Archbishop Salvatore Gristina, takeout meals will also be distributed to the poor on Sunday.

(Federica Bello, Raffaele Iaria, Simona Rapparelli and Paolo Guiducci collaborated)
