Summit on new anti-Covid measures: probable extension of travel ban even between yellow regions. Close to nightlife, for takeaway bars prohibited from 6:00 p.m.


Additional extension of travel ban between Regions, after 18 nothing more take away food for bars, stricter parameters for the colors of the regions. The new ones begin to take shape anti-Covid measures to the government study after the increase in infections observed in the last week. Some hypotheses have already been leaked in recent days, such as automatic shutter of the red zone in case of weekly incidence of infections higher than 250 per 100,000 inhabitants. But from the meeting between the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and most of the heads of delegation that took place on Sunday afternoon, some novelties emerged: for example, the stop at the take-away of bars at night, designed to completely stop the move (only home deliveries would be allowed), and the extension to private visits for maximum two people (except children under 14 years old). On the other hand, the hypothesis of putting all of Italy in an orange zone has been refuted nei weekend. Then the creation of one is evaluated white zone with gyms, theaters and cinemas open, but it will take longer to define the criteria for access.

At the meeting at Palazzo Chigi with the Prime Minister, Alfonso Bonafede (M5s), Dario Franceschini (P.S), Roberto Speranza (Leu) e Teresa Bellanova (Italia Viva) was also attended by the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia and the undersecretary of the presidency of the Council Riccardo Fraccaro. The measures will be approved with a double provision: on the one hand a decree-law, necessary to expand it state of emergency and to launch me refreshments for the affected categories, on the other new dpcm to replace the one that expires on January 15. Government sources, however, explain that, before the green light, we will face with the Regions. The appointment is set for 10.30 am on Monday, January 11. Then, the roadmap states that the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza Return to Parliament on January 13 to report what decisions have been agreed with the governors.

One of the unknowns refers mainly to the tightening of the parameters that imply the automatic insertion of the Regions in the red zone. The proposal ofHigher Institute of Health has already been examined since Scientific technical committee. Based on the latest monitoring, the only region that would automatically enter the red zone based on the weekly incidence of infections (greater than 250 per 100,000 inhabitants) would be the Veneto. ButEmilia romagna, with an incidence of around 240 cases. And other Regions or Autonomous Provinces – Friuli Venezia Giulia, Market me Bolzano Province – exceed 200 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. The governor and president of the conference of the regions. Stefano bonaccini however, he warns: “He did not ask for that limit no region and if you want my impression will not enter among those used to decide the Colorant or the movement of the Regions “. Words that seem to presage a new confrontation with the governors if Palazzo Chigi accepts the scientists’ proposal.” We will discuss with the government – added Bonaccini – and as always we will try to do the best possible“.

The squeeze should also be applied to the ski resorts: the government is considering postponing the opening of the season, but is awaiting the opinion of the technicians on the new proposals that must come from the Regions after being invited to update the security protocol. Confirmation of the curfew from 10 pm to 5 am, while the criteria to enter the so-called “white zone“According to what has been leaked so far, it would go off in the case of Rt less than 0.5 and with a lower incidence of i 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants – the threshold considered minimum to resume tracking – and it would lead to a practically total reopening, always respecting the spacing rules and using the mask, of the restaurants cinema, theater, museums me gyms.
