
The special transmission auction of Federica Pellegrini, with the contribution of Frank Matano, raised 66,100 euros, destined entirely to the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital.
59 special souvenirs of the swimming Olympian and the top of the podium of the Gwangju World Cup 2019 (5,100 euros), the gold Olympic glasses in Beijing 2008 (4,550 euros) and the bomber used in Italiàs Got Talent (sold by 3400 euros).
Proceeds from the auction, supplemented by a free donation from CONI President Giovanni Malagò, and compensation for the Blues’ latest participation in the television show “Che Tempo che Fa” – will allow for the purchase of fans and protective devices additional. , useful for health workers in Bergamo.
“We will help Bergamo in a way that I would not have expected. I thank all the people who helped me run this auction “Pellegrini’s words.