Substitutions, when the contract with provision earns points



With a note of November 4, 2020, the Ministry exempted, for the 2020/21 school year, from sending availability requests also by applicants already included in GaE, provincial GPS and school rankings. There are two conditions for a contract to be available.

  • the school rankings of the school in question and of neighboring schools must be exhausted, in the sequence identified by OM n. 60/2020
  • The effective conclusion of the appointment operations from the GPS in the territorial area of ​​reference and in which the candidate himself is included.

After this opening of the Ministry, there is no limit for sending requests for making available

Can be sent

  • in the schools of the same province in which the applicant is inserted and that could not be inserted due to numerical limits or that for other reasons have not been inserted (this recovers all those who have registered in the GPS but not in the rankings schoolchildren, omitting to choose schools)
  • in schools in other provinces, without numerical limit
  • for the same or another competition class, or for the same plus other competition classes
  • also for the competition classes to which you are not entitled, naturally specifying the circumstances

In the hope that the last chance will not happen again, because it is the right of students to have a teacher trained for the grade of school in question, we specify when the stipulated contract with the provision contract can bring points.

Ministerial Note July 22, 2020

The Ministry provided the due clarifications with the note of July 22, 2020

2) the service provided over the years without an access qualification It is valid for the purposes of evaluating the service if and only if the admission ticket mentioned above is in the possession of the applicant at the time of submitting the application;

3) As an exception with respect to point 2, with regard to the second rank GPS for childhood and primary school, according to table A / 2 and to graduate applicants, the service provided in a common place or support (obviously without the prescribed grade) of primary school science students can be assessed for relative ranking, such as grade specific and nonspecific, exclusively for childhood and primary relative rankings;

4) for 1st band GPS, reserved for qualified applicants, the service provided during the frequency of the routes to which the additional score is attributed according to point A.2 of the respective tables A / 1 and A / 3 cannot be declared or in the GPS related to the support (since the relative additional score is evaluated in its entirety). The aforementioned applicants, if they have taken during the attendance at the aforementioned service courses in other competition classes or common places to which they are entitled, not included in the course of the degree, or in support of different degrees (for example, a professor with a TFA degree in secondary grade who has performed service on support in the first grade, or a primary teacher who during LM 85-bis has made substitutions in secondary), can declare it in the relative rankings.

