The new ministerial order no longer guarantees the same rights that the Regulation protected until last year. An example.
Anna writes
Can you leave a short substitute for a longer one?
The art. 8 paragraph 2 provided
The staff cwho is no longer on call for temporary substitutions until the end of the lessons or beyond, has the right, during the school year that runs until April 30, to terminate his employment relationship in advance to accept another until the end of lessons or beyond (6/30 to 8/31).
The current ministerial ordinance regulating substitutes does not foresee (for the moment) this possibility.
Therefore, as was guaranteed until last year, the possibility of leaving a short temporary position is no longer contemplated (former. a week or a month) for other substitutions, always offered by school rankings, that goes until the end of the lessons and / or 30 / 6-31 / 8. Therefore, the alternate already in service cannot be called a short-term replacement if a replacement is available during the ongoing replacement. until the end of the lessons or 30 / 6-31 / 8 in the same school or in another.
This, of course, will have repercussions from both an economic and a scoring point of view.
Let’s remember instead that It is always possible to leave a substitute awarded by the school’s rankings for another (same or different course) offered by GAE or GPS.
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