Press release National Coordination of the SFP – The National Coordination of Primary Education Sciences does NOT support colleagues from Veneto who, as of September 23, 2020, a week after the opening of the school, denounce empty chairs (between all, 326 common places in primary schools in Padua and more than 300 in Treviso), irregularities in scores and procedures and no response from the Provincial Offices of Schools.
Requests for updating the provincial and school rankings, which expire on August 6, 2020, should have brought teachers to the chair before September 14, 2020, thanks to a computer system, prepared by the Ministry of Education, which would have calculated the scores of the access, cultural and service certificates of each participant.
The first problem has to do with the incorrect calculation of the scores: the GPS, published in Veneto already late, between September 4 and 7, instead of September 1 as promised by the Ministry, is final and the applicants, who they found a false score, both due to system errors and humans, they have sent complaints by email and PEC, but partially considered and corrected by the USP, Provincial School Offices.
The published rankings continue to show errors and many professors, who have correctly declared their qualifications, are outperformed by colleagues with scores higher than the real ones, so the need to proceed with the request for access to administrative documents is inevitable.
At the same time, complaints and changes, although small, delayed the calls, which took place only at the end of the second week of the month, near the beginning of the lessons, in fact, in provinces like Verona, the calls took place only on Tuesday, September 22 and with assignments that will not end before Friday the 25th.
Added to these obvious drawbacks is an even more regrettable one: in many PSUs the people included in the GAE, in some cases even the last candidate, who in August rejected the permanent contract proposal, should have been removed from the aforementioned ranking (Annex 1 – Operational Instructions for Appointments in Charge of the AS 2020/2021, in point A.11, “The resignation of a recruitment proposal entails the immediate lowering of the relative and specific ranking for the position / class of competence that was renounced . “), but it was not like that and, currently, they have the possibility of being recalled from the same ranking, instead of losing the right to call priority, by virtue of their previous resignation.
This procedure does not comply with OM n. 60 of July 10, 2020 and affects the rights of all teachers included in the GPS, who run the risk of not having access to long substitutions or being summoned, in the best case, in clear and greater delay.
In the provinces of Padua and Treviso the problem is very evident, in others, such as Vicenza and Rovigo, the same dynamic occurred for some GAE candidates and only in Verona and Venice was the procedure carried out correctly.
Numerous attempts to contact the referring USPs were unsuccessful and no responses were received, either by phone, by post or by certified email.
The professors included in the GPS from the provinces of Vicenza, Rovigo, Padua and Treviso await clear answers from USP and corrections for these illegitimate assignments.
Is it not paradoxical that a public office does not give answers … to the public?