Substitutions for GaE and GPS: those who have accepted or rejected the proposal do not participate in subsequent calls, except in two cases


Substitutions of GaE and GPS: some School Offices are forced to more than call shifts, to assign extra availabilities, which were not present when the previous call was organized.

OM 60/2020 foreseen for this case and in art. 12 paragraph 8 establishes “The acceptance of the respective proposal by the alternate candidates means that the alternate assignment operations are not subject to restructuring. The subsequent availabilities that are determined, also as a result of the resignation, are subject to new stages of assigning substitutes to candidates who have not previously been recipients of job proposals “

and paragraph 9 “Candidates who have resigned from a draft proposal are no longer entitled to further alternative replacement proposals due to availability related to the same rank or for support positions for the same school year.”

Scheduled completion possible

The teacher who participated in the first call and given the availability both for full places and for segments in the absence of full places, may be called in order to complete the schedule.

“This termination – says paragraph 10 of art. 12 – It can also be implemented by dividing the hours of relative availability, safeguarding in any case the uniqueness of teaching in the classroom and in support activities “

Exchange a substitute on June 30 for one on August 31

There is only one case where new availabilities should be offered to those who have already accepted a replacement.

Section 11 tells us “During the period necessary to carry out the operations and exclusively before the stipulation of the respective contracts, the resignation of a hiring proposal by temporary replacement is allowed until the end of the teaching activities for subsequent acceptance annual substitute for the same or different teaching “

The signing of the corresponding contracts supposes the entry into service, for which the school office indicates a precise date. If for that date (since unfortunately the lessons have begun the service it is opportune) there are new calls, with new availability as of August 31, teachers who have chosen replacement as of June 30 can aspire to change the replacement, if you are interested.

The Supplenze 2020/21 Special School Year

NB Anyone who has resigned to replace a common seat must be able to participate in cross ranking nominations to receive support.
