The controversy of many precarious workers interested in working as substitutes this school year does not abate: with the invitations still in progress, many teachers complain of problems of various kinds.
Convocation the night and service the next morning.
GPS errors are clearly among the most common: many substitutes reported that, despite the complaint to the provincial office, they saw the same scores published as before, so according to precarious teachers, the errors would not have been corrected.
But there are other protests: some write about the excessive speed with which it is necessary to go to school once designated: for example, a reader writes: “Do you think it is correct that in some provinces calls and orders are published at night and the next morning you have to enter service at 8:00? How are outsiders doing?“
Still: “We have to stay glued to a PC all day just because they don’t want to give themselves and they don’t want to give us a limit of hours, for example. 18:00 for which we must be on alert, otherwise it is postponed to the next day“.
Given these critical issues, the reader writes: “Let’s take a year to correct the GPS and start with the GI present, it is not difficult, the year would start BIG, you still have time!“
It takes 24 hours to start working on school ratings
Actually, as we explained above, for calls from school ratings the notice must be in 24 hours maximumeven when the use of the procedure for calling all types of substitutes is foreseen.
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