Substitutes, teachers and absent ATAs must be able to be replaced from day one


Substitutions: Legislation that is layered and does not address contingent issues risks causing school secretariats to plummet to replace absent staff.

The ANP takes stock of the situation, summarizing the pending issues for the beginning of the lessons in ten points

Substitution of absent teachers

OM No. 60/2020 art. 13 point 14: […] It is not possible to grant temporary substitutes to the teaching staff on the first day of the holder’s absence […]

Replacement of absent Ata staff

For ATA staff – the ANP writes – the ordinary rules are still in force which, for example, in the case of school collaborators require that they not substitute in the first 7 days of absence (article 1, para. 332, law 190 / 2014).

Organic COVID replacement

The art. 32, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 104/2020, on the other hand, establishes that COVID personnel (both teachers and ATA) can be replaced from the first day of absence.


The ANP’s request is to apply the same discipline as DL 104/2020 to all non-COVID personnel [sostituzione fin dal primo giorno di assenza ]in order to allow schools to quickly replace absent staff.

Back to classes: guides, documents, regulations.
