One of the social safety nets that helped maintain family income during the coronavirus pandemic was the layoffs. However, the mechanism provided for the possibility of access only for workers public or private employees and instead excluded the self-employed, professionals and VAT numbers.
For the latter categories of workers, in fact, bonus of 600 or 1,000 euros, a unique compensation and support that, however, were not enough to withstand the crisis caused by Covid-19.
For this reason, Parliament approved a reform to the Budget Law for 2021, also introducing the social buffer VAT, freelancers and professionals in possession of certain requirements. The new redundancy fund is called Iscro and guarantees a monthly allowance of between 250 euros and 800 euros.
Iscro dismissals of freelancers, professionals and CIF
To announce the possible arrival of one new layoffs for freelancers, professionals and CIF it had been the Vice Minister of Economy, Antonio Misiani. However, the social cushion could become structural and be exploited even outside the pandemic crisis of recent months.

The idea, in fact, is to provide support to the aforementioned categories of workers similar to that provided to employees. The new redundancy fund is called Iscro and must guarantee a monthly support of between 250 and 800 euros per month for a maximum period of 6 months.
But let’s see who can request it and what requirements must be met.
Iscro dismissals for VAT: the requirements
L ‘amendment approved by Parliament, bears the signature of Chiara Gribaudo (Pd) and provides for the establishment of a new redundancy fund reserved for freelancers, professionals and VAT numbers registered at the separate address of the INPS. The new benefit, in fact, would be similar, in some way, to the social buffer that is already present for public and private employees, but it would support some job categories that are currently excluded.

To access the Iscro dismissal fund – acronym for Compensation for extraordinary income and operational continuityhowever you should have the following requirements:
- total declared income that does not exceed 8,145 euros per year,
- registration in the separate management of the INPS,
- loss of billing equivalent to at least 50% of the rates in the health emergency period compared to the 3 years prior to the request for the benefit,
- opening of the VAT number for at least 4 years.
The new redundancy fund will guarantee beneficiaries a monthly compensation of between 250 and 800 euros and will remain valid for a 6 month period. Finally, to benefit from this, a professional upgrade period could be introduced. Payments will be made directly by INPS.
Iscro dismissal fund: beneficiaries and excluded
They will at least be 300 thousand professionals, freelancers and VAT numbers that will benefit from the new Iscro dismissals. The new social safety net will, in fact, rely on communicators, advertisers, webmasters, advertising consultants, translators, and door-to-door marketers.
Stay excluded instead, there will be so many workers who do not meet the requirements to benefit from the fund: architects, lawyers, doctors and journalists for example, as members of a private pension fund. Finally, the latter cannot be combined with the Citizenship Income and will not contribute to the formation of income.
Iscro layoffs: critical issues
Although the possible requirements for accessing the new Iscro redundancy fund have already been outlined, there is no shortage of critical issues mainly related to the search for fund coverage and the exclusion of various professional categories not registered in the separate management of the INPS.
With regard to coverage, in particular, the fear is that to finance the social safety net, one has to go and withdraw money directly from the pockets of potential loan recipients. In fact, the introduction of aadditional fee of 0.28%.