Suárez, farce exam: ‘I knew the content of the Italian exam’


Questioned by prosecutors, Luis responds in Spanish with a lawyer and interpreter. Interceptions: Juve’s plan to catch him in January in the summer

by our correspondent Luca Bianchin

The exams in Perugia for Luis Suárez never end. The Pistolero was heard by the Perugian magistrates in videoconference: an interrogation as a person informed of the facts, requested with an international rogatory. Chief Prosecutor Cantone and Prosecutors Abbritti and Mocetti had to wait for the long times of the bureaucracy, lengthened by Suárez’s transfer from Barcelona to Madrid, but they were satisfied. Suarez spoke in Spanish, assisted by an interpreter. No, this time there is no phrase in Italian.

Luis’s phrase

The most controversial statement is related to an admission. Suárez did not admit to having participated in a rigged exam – the magistrates did not ask him that – but would have confirmed that he had received an email from the University for Foreigners with exercises that later turned out to be substantially the same as the exam. A detail confirmed after what emerged on the subject in recent weeks. The investigation is now slowed down by the holidays and awaits the review court: CEO Olivieri, one of the main suspects, appealed against the eight-month suspension of the exercise of his activity. In January we will understand more about his position and possible further interrogations. Instead, there is no appeal for the rector Grego Bolli, who resigned. As for Juve, Federico Cherubini, the first coach to contact the University for Foreigners of Perugia, will never be heard from again. Less certain, however, about the possibility that Fabio Paratici will be called again.

the spanish lawyer

Instead, Suárez’s interrogation puts Ivan Zaldua, Suárez’s Spanish lawyer, and other athletes such as Xabi Alonso and Jorge Lorenzo under a cone of light. Zaldua played a double role. On the one hand, he was heard as a person informed of the facts: it was he who maintained contact with the University of Perugia and initially with Juventus in the exam. On the other hand, he assisted Suárez during his testimony, as requested in Spain. The magistrates at this point want to definitively clarify the initial phase of contacts between Suárez and the university, probably to understand if there was an initial promise to pass the exam.

market intrigue

Meanwhile, this summer’s interceptions are becoming more public. For fans of the transfer market, a dialogue on September 15, two days before the exam in Perugia, between Professor Spina and her husband is striking. Spina, Juventus player, declares himself “in shock” because Suárez in the last lesson via Teams made him understand that he was destined for another team. The professor apparently unveils a Juventus plan, true or false, to bring Luis to Italy in January. These are his words about the dialogue with the gunman: “He told me that Paratici called him this morning and told him that it takes a month to become a citizen. For Juventus to realize today that it takes a month to become a citizen, I find it not very credible and that is why Paratici suggested that they wait six months and then return to the Champions League in six months. But he wants to play in the Champions League because he is 33 years old (…) and he said that he might be looking for another team ”. In short, Juventus two or three days before the exam would have told Suárez not to expect a happy ending and would have offered to stay in Barcelona, ​​complete the passport procedures and arrive in Turin in January. Atlético de Madrid would arrive a few days later so that everyone could agree.
