Suárez, the eight phone calls that put Juve at stake. It all started from Cherubini
The three alleged corrupt
Until now it was known that the alleged corrupt were two: the rector Giuliana Grego Bolli and the general manager Simone Olivieri. It was the latter who maintained relations with the lawyer Bianconeri Maria Turco and with the aggressor’s staff to organize the registration and didactic preparation. According to the Perugia prosecutor, headed by Raffaele Cantone, the counterpart to facilitate and accelerate the exam practice (the ordinary session was set for September 22, but another was organized on September 17, in which only Suárez and others participated. three students) was the possibility that Juve, in the future, would send youth players to Italian courses at the University. “There is an agreement, they send us from the Spring,” say the intercepted school leaders. The return of the image, for the University, would have been strong.
“Stop everyone, it’s not a show.” Cantone turns off the spotlight on the Suárez case
Rocca’s record in the registry of suspects for complicity in corruption (which the True) is a logical consequence: without the support of the examiner, in fact, it would not have been possible to pilot the test. But we are at the usual point: the alleged corruptor is missing. The intercepted telephone calls attached to the documents do not contain sufficient elements to identify him. No Juventus cardholder, nor Chiappero and Turco’s lawyers are under investigation.
“I did what they told me”
Professor Rocca, defended by the lawyer Cristiano Manni, is also the one who, before the exam, insists with the employee Cinzia Camagna on preparing the diploma to pass the Italian level B1 exam. “Put 3, 3, 3, 3”, they hear the financiers say thanks to the bugs placed in the University. Three is the lowest rating. Camagna, investigated for false public deed and assisted by the lawyer Giuseppe Innamorati, has already been questioned. He explained to the magistrates that the computer system, after the cancellation of the tests written by Covid, gets stuck, so to have the paper certificate on the same day of the exam, you have to prepare it first. However, it is not explained why the votes have already been entered. “My client – says the lawyer Innamorati – was required to obtain the certificate, without knowing what it would be for. Everyone had the air that this billionaire gamer would have been helped a lot, from low level employees to high levels. pm Camagna explained that he had made three-quarters of a certificate that would later be signed by others. She did what they asked her, solving the problem. “
The Suárez case and those teachers who deny their mission
Cuadrado-Suarez: different treatments
So, to recap: on the afternoon of September 17, Suárez arrives by private plane in Perugia, goes to the University, takes the Italian exam (it is one of the prerequisites for obtaining a community passport, necessary in case of moving to Juventus). , however, he already vanished on September 15), in just 12 minutes he passes it and receives the diploma prepared, two days before, by Camagna under Rocca’s orders. To make the financiers of the Economic Police Unit suspicious, in addition to the way in which the test was carried out, it is also the very fact that the University immediately issued the diploma. In fact, it usually takes weeks. As the case of Juan Cuadrado shows. A few days ago, the Colombian Juve midfielder took the same type of exam, Italian language level B1, in a Turin office of the Siena University for Foreigners. “Like all members – notify the Rectorate of Siena – Cuadrado will have to wait between 20 and 40 days to obtain the result and, possibly, the certificate.” Like all members. Except for those called Luis Alberto Suárez.