Suárez case: Juve Cherubini coach was also interested in exams


It was Federico Cherubini, Juventus Head of Football Teams and Technical Areas, who contacted Maurizio Oliviero, rector of the Perugia State University, by virtue of an old acquaintance, to find out if his university had the Italian exams necessary for citizenship.


Suárez, Juve lawyer: “He never asked for special treatment”

This is what is learned from qualified sources in Turin about the questioning of the soccer player Suárez. Farce proves, apparently, since the listeners show that the Argentine “did not pronounce a word of Italian and used verbs in the infinitive.”


The trusted teacher who had to teach Italian in Suárez

Originally from Foligno (Perugia), Cherubini limited himself to asking Oliviero for bureaucratic information about the exam, who told him to contact the University for Foreigners.


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