“Strong tightening of the measures between December 24 and January 6”. Summit at Palazzo Chigi


Dpcm Natale, Speranza:

Strict measures in Italy since the eve of Christmas to Befana. We are closing the definitive measures that we must communicate to the country and that will be taken in the coming days: they foresee a hardening significant between December 24 and January 6, “said the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, speaking in connection with a meeting organized by Fnomceo (National Federation of Medical Orders).

Christmas displacements, Zingaretti as Zaia: “Lazio regional ordinance ready if the government does not decide”

The top of Palazzo Chigi

An announcement that takes place while the summit between the Prime Minister is taking place at Palazzo Chigi Giuseppe Conte and most of the heads of delegation. Summit where the last knots in the grip of Christmas. Decide, among other things, whether to provide a derogation for minors (under 18 or 14 years old) in the calculation of the two members of the family who do not live among the Christmas guests, as Conte would like. And it remains to be seen if you will have one Red zone “long” for all holidays or there will be intermittent closings. After they are presented to the Regions, the Council of Ministers could probably meet at 6 o’clock in the afternoon and should approve a measure (decree or new dpcm).

The regions

The hypothesis of significant restrictions that Speranza spoke of “is a particularly rigid measure” that “particularly penalizes our Region that has already made sacrifices in recent months and that now, precisely because it is in a somewhat better situation.” perhaps it could have been treated less rigidly. But we take note of it and we certainly do not oppose it ”, commented the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, to Aria Pulita about 7 Gold.

Last updated: 13:27

