Strike today: vehicles at risk in Rome | October 23 | Metro and bus | Schedule


Public transport at risk oggme Friday October 23 On the occasion of national general strike organized by the CUB, the Basic Unitary Confederation.

Public transport strike October 23, 2020

In Rome, the strike affects buses, trams, subways and the Roma-Lido, Roma-Civitacastellana-Viterbo and Termini-Centocelle railways. A “Black Friday” for travelers and users of public transport in the capital. In any case, the service is guaranteed from the beginning of the service day in 8.30am and from 5pm to 8pm, in the call “Guarantee bands”.

Black Friday for public transport: who goes on strike in Rome

As for the night buses, possible repercussions on the N lines at night between Thursday, October 22 and Friday 23. At night between Friday and Saturday, however, regular service for the N lines will not be guaranteed while trips of the day lines that end the service after midnight.

In the metro stations of the lines that will eventually remain active, possible interruptions of the services of: lockers, escalators, elevators and stair lifts. In Ferrovie dello Stato the protest is scheduled from 9:00 p.m. on Thursday to 9:00 p.m. on Friday.

On October 23 public transport stops: previous accessions

“Exit the crisis with a new development model, counteracting the attempt to increase inequality and exploitation” – writes the union relaunching the strike of October 23.

Regarding transportation, Atac has announced i data on adhesions in the previous general strike, October 25, 2019 (in conjunction with the national membership of Cgil, Cisl, Uil of four hours and Cobas of 24 hours): membership of 44% in the exercise of surface 17.1% in the subways and regional railways Roma-Lido, Termini-centocelle and Roma-Viterbo.

General strike October 23: from vehicles to schools, that’s who stops

A general strike on Friday October 23 that, in addition to public transport, will also affect schools and universities; Health; public offices; air and airport transport services; raised.

General strike on Friday, October 23: transport, schools and nurseries. Here is who stops

Possible downside to kindergartens and nursery schools in Rome: The educational and school personnel of the nursery and preschool centers of the local functional sector folded their arms. Lessons and tuition not guaranteed in elementary, middle and high school classes. The University also goes on strike.

Strike of public and health offices

Public offices are also at risk. “Citizens are warned that inefficiencies may occur” – informs the City of Rome on the institutional website.

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They are peremptory public and private health workers and the social and health sector. “We do not want to be heroes but we ask for fair treatment, equity and dignity”. In black friday first post close they will also attack.
