Strike December 9 of the civil service. But how much does a government employee earn? –


On Wednesday, December 9, civil servants will be on strike throughout Italy. The abstention from work was proclaimed by the unions belonging to CGIL, CISL and UIL in protest at the non-renewal of the contract, the lack of hiring and the scarce resources made available by the government for the entire public administration sector. The protest was confirmed by the workers’ representatives even after the Minister of Public Function Fabiana Dadone summoned the unions for December 10. The strike also sparked lively protests, motivated by two reasons: first, the strike falls when Italy is in an emergency and while hundreds of thousands of workers have lost their jobs; the second: some experts, including Carlo Cottarelli, argue that public employees already have a higher salary than individuals.

Criticism of the strike (and the response)

Numerous criticisms against the opportunity to declare a strike in public services at a difficult time in the country. From M5S to Giorgia Meloni, to the president of Confindustria Carlo Bonomi (Public sector workers are the ones who have suffered the least in this country). The government did not want to make the comparison and Minister Dadone, a very generalist, summoned the general secretary of the CISL, Annamaria Furlan, on behalf of the union. For the leader of the CISL it is a great contradiction to declare heroes to doctors and nurses and then to foresee in the budget law only the extension for one year for precarious workers.

Who earns the most?

The abstention from work of a segment of the company that did not suffer economic damages during the confinement has rekindled a not new controversy about the salary levels and guarantees that public employees enjoy compared to their colleagues in the private sector. The fire to dust was given by a study by the Observatory on Public Accounts directed by Carlo Cottarelli. According to this research, state sector salaries in Italy are in line with those of other European countries and higher than those of individuals. In 2010, the difference would have been on average 35% only to be reduced due to the continuous blocking of contracts. Currently the differential will continue to be 24% (€ 36,350 gross per year compared to € 29,260). The figure of 36,000 euros (referring to 2018) confirmed by Aran, the body that represents the State in the negotiations.

The CGIA study of Mestre

Another study, this time by the Mestre CGIA, indicates that from 2010 to 2017 public salaries were blocked. In 2016 Cgia calculated that the differential between public and private had been reduced to 600 euros per year, while in 2010 it was 4,244 euros. In that same year, the center saw the average salary in the private sector at 33,192 euros (+ 9.1% compared to 2010) compared to 33,798 for the public (-2.5%). Although there has been an alignment of wages between the two sectors – reported the coordinator of the Cgia Studies Office Paolo Zabeo – I remember that public employees work an average of 36/38 hours per week, while private workers remain in the factory or office at the same time. minus 40 hours. Furthermore, it is necessary to underline that the salaries of senior executives, which, for some levels of employment, are the highest in Europe, raise the average salary figure for public employees.
