The prohibitions contemplated in the new ordinance refer to the consumption of food and beverages outdoors in a public area or open to the public, “with the aim of avoiding meetings in front of the premises or in other public areas or open to the public,” Fedriga explained , and all Sports activities in outdoor centers, except events and competitions of national interest.
To these prohibitions are added some strong recommendations: do not go to another house in a family unit other than your own if it is not out of necessity; do not use local public transport except by necessity; to avoid generally crowded areas; Take advantage of the agile work of public administrations and private entrepreneurs.
“We trust the population’s sense of responsibility for certain behaviors on which we do not consider correct to force the rules, trusting that they are perceived by all as fundamental indications to reduce the circulation of the virus,” said Fedriga.
The second part of the new ordinance provides for a comprehensive examination, on a voluntary basis, of the population of Friuli Venezia Giulia, which will begin next Wednesday from six municipalities (Castelnuovo del Friuli, Claut, Dolegna del Collio, Paularo, Socchieve and Sutrio).
Fedriga has announced the purchase of 100,000 additional antigen tests, half of which will be available today and the other half tomorrow. Extensive use of antigen testing will allow for preventive follow-up.
We will start from the first group of municipalities and then extend the examination to the portions of the territory identified from time to time by the Central Department of Health. The regional civil protection organization is in charge of the logistical organization of the screening campaign, while the prevention department of the competent health authority of the area will carry out the antigen tests and the corresponding monitoring.
The main outbreaks in the region continue to be domiciliary, home encounters with people who do not live together, and workplaces.
“We are reaching – said the regional councilor for Health Riccardi – 1,700 / 1,800 infections at home.”