Strange times, waiting for Trump to wake up defeated


Time is not on Trump’s side. Soon he will no longer be able to say that he won the election, because voters will come together to officially proclaim that Joe Biden is the 46th president of the United States: Biden will receive 306 votes to Trump’s 232, reflecting the preferences of American voters. expressed in polls. Ironically, Biden will get the same votes that Trump got in 2016, when he claimed he had won a “landslide victory.”

Biden continues to assemble his government team, but has not yet been able to officially initiate the transition because the government agency in charge of the transition, the GSA, led by a Trump-nominated official, Emily Murphy, has failed to deliver the planned funds. Of the law.

For Biden, the second official passage, after that of the voters, will be the joint session of the US Senate in which Vice President Mike Pence will announce the results: an appointment scheduled for January 6. Then Trump’s loyal number two will be tasked with certifying his boss’s defeat in front of members of Congress and the entire nation.

Then there will be the swearing-in ceremony, scheduled for January 20 at 12 noon. From that precise moment, after having pronounced the ritual sentences, Biden will become POTUS, president of the United States: all decisions will be in the hands of him and the members. of his administration, he will take over the White House and Trump will be called a former president.

These are strange times: the dates and procedures for the transfer of power are known, but everything around them is shrouded in uncertainty. We know that Biden will put his hand on the Bible held by his wife Jill at 12 noon on January 20, but what will his keynote address look like, how many people will be able to attend in person, and if and how there will be the parade and receptions that traditionally accompany it. al ‘The inauguration of a president is not known exactly, due to the coronavirus.

The biggest uncertainty, however, concerns Trump: it is not clear what the president will do in the days that separate him from now to January 20 and even more what he will do when he is officially former president.

No one knows if he will ever give the victory award speech that losers often reserve for winners, or if he will receive his successor into the White House before the handover of power as has always been done in the past: nor do we know if he will take party to Biden’s oath.

Trump has nothing to keep him tied to Washington and in all likelihood will return to live in New York, where he is not very popular, or in Florida, where he owns the gigantic residence of Mar a Lago that can guarantee him and the First lady. Melania the privacy necessary to take stock of these years and move on.

Your first concern is most likely to be taking stock of your finances and affairs, to understand what state they are in and what you will be living in for years to come. Perhaps even he has not yet decided what will happen in the future: so far all the rumors leaked by the White House have served to feed the articles on the Internet, but they have not guaranteed certainties.

Certainly, questions and indiscretions have kept many people’s minds occupied: because after all, Trump is still the president of the United States and what he does has an impact on the lives of millions of citizens. The time will come when this too will end, and his tweets will once again be followed only by those who are really interested in him and his world.

Many wait for that moment. It is easy to predict that members of the Biden administration will ignore the attacks that Trump will also launch against them and that the media will relegate his words to the inside pages of newspapers or to the closing of the television news. At least until the former president makes some desperate attempts to win back the attention of the United States and the world.

But many Americans are tired of him and his distractions and want the government to focus on the real threats to their lives, such as the coronavirus and the crisis it has created. It really will take something extraordinary to get back to talking about Donald Trump as it has been done in recent years. A thought that leads me to wonder: Has Donald Trump ever done anything extraordinary in recent years?
