STRANGE AUTUMN! In October and November, the NINA will affect the weather in Italy. Here’s HOW »


Weather: STRANGE AUTUMN! In October and November, the NINA will affect the weather in Italy. That’s how

October and November conditioned by NinaOctober and November conditioned by NinaFrom an astronomical point of view,Fall It will begin on Tuesday, September 22. Will the rain and cold return or will the high pressure succeed? Conditioning the season could be the phenomenon of Girl with consequences on October and November also in Italy.

Let’s immediately find out what it is, then plotting a general trend thanks to the latest TO UPDATE of the EUROPEAN CENTER in view of the coming autumn months.

Let’s start by saying that there is one in the whole world. STRANGE atmospheric alteration with repercussions on ocean currents and pressure fields: we are talking of the girl. It is basically about a temperature cooling of the surface waters of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean that frequently influences the weather of our Planet, with different reflections also in Europe and in Italy.

Which one therefore could be the consequences about the weather in Europe and Italy in the coming months?
It is conceivable that a return of the Girl can increase theEntry of numerous disturbances descending from the Atlantic., which would not find any obstacle in the face of high pressure that could take refuge in North Africa. Between the end of September and the beginning of October (with repercussions later also in November), if this is confirmed, we expect a period quite rainy in the sector North-central Europe, with effects also in the northern regions of our country.

It must be said that this time of year is often quite delicate why strong contrasts that are created between completely different air masses: the last one heats up on the one hand and the first cold charge downhill from northern Europe on the other.
the surface water temperatures of our seas (still very hot) that could provide the necessary energy for the development of imposing storm cells whose forecast is only possible in broad terms (and the European Center confirms it), while for the details it will be necessary to arrive a few days after the event.

RAIN – Already in early October, above-average rains are expected, especially in Center-North due to the arrival of disturbances of Atlantic origin. The chronicle of recent past unfortunately it is rich in flash flood events capable of provoking brakes, flood and strong temporary.
A different little speech for him South where, on the contrary, only in conjunction with the Girl, long periods of Drought, with almost total absence of rain, due to the protective shield offered by persistence of high pressure.

TEMPERATURE – The data that surprises us the most and that leaves us speechless (but to a certain extent, if we only think about the last years), taking a look at seasonal maps, is relative to temperature I waited between October me November: we will most likely have to deal with higher deviations of approx. 1 ° C compared to historical averages for a large part of Italy. That is why we do not exclude the possibility of experiencing the classics “October“, or those periods of atmospheric stability that traditionally occur in the middle of the month of October, characterized by a mostly sunny weather and, above all, of a particularly benign climate, especially at South.
