Storms and landslides: the red alert bulletin (“high criticality”) for the province of Sondrio


A vast and deep depression centered between the British Isles and the Netherlands brings a strong flow of hot, humid and unstable currents from the southwest into northern Italy. In Lombardy, since the early hours of yesterday Friday, August 28, showers and storms of strong intensity on several occasions affect the Alps, the Pre-Alps and the upper plain. From the beginning of the event, the accumulations were generalized in the central-western Alps and Pre-Alps, locally in the eastern ones (accumulated dispersion over 80-100 mm with local peaks up to 200/210 mm).

The Lombard civil protection confirms the general evolution predicted in the previous updates: the humid and highly unstable flow from the southwest will sweep through the region until Sunday, August 30. This flow will be strong until Sunday morning, gradually diminishing starting in the afternoon, along with the arrival of cooler air at high altitudes.

Between saturday and sunday

In Valtellina and Valchiavenna the phase of strong instability will continue until the morning of Sunday, August 30, while from Sunday afternoon / night there will be a gradual attenuation of the phenomena. Until Sunday morning, therefore, heavy storms are expected on several occasions (strong gusts of wind, hail, large amounts of rain in a short time).

For Valchiavenna and lower-middle Valtellina, the regional civil protection chamber issued a red alert bulletin (“high criticality” – the maximum of the scale) for hydrogeological risk from 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 29 to the same time the next day.

Orange alert bulletin (“moderate criticality”) for severe storms and hydrogeological risk in Alta Valtellina from 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 29 until the next update.

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alert 29 Aug-2
