Storm winds and thunderstorms, weather warnings on the island


A new weather alert is activated in Sardinia for thunderstorms, storm surges and storm winds.

From midnight today until midnight tomorrow, Civil Protection issued a yellow (ordinary) alert for hydrogeological risk in almost the entire island, and orange (moderate) in Logudoro.

“From early morning until early afternoon, strong isolated storms will be possible throughout the region, especially in the western sectors of the island,” the bulletin reads. Starting at dawn tomorrow there will be an increase in ventilation from the west over the Strait of Bonifacio, in extension to the rest of the regional territory, especially on the western and northern coasts, with hurricane-force winds from the northwest “.

In addition, “storms are expected at least until all day on Saturday 26. Storms on the coasts exposed to the mistral from the afternoon of Friday 25 and until all day on Saturday 26.”

Bad weather will be registered in most of the country with rains, between electrical and locally intense storms, which will affect the Center-North today, to extend tomorrow also to the South.

All this accompanied by a significant drop in temperatures.

(Unioneonline / D)
