Storm in Turin | September 6th


As expected by the ARPA, which launched the yellow alert, bad weather reached Turin and Piedmont already in the afternoon of Sunday, September 6. The constant disturbance in Scandinavia caused, even during the night, rains, strong gusts of wind and a sharp drop in temperatures, up to 6-7 degrees.

Floods have been reported in Turin, in the Barriera di Milano area, where water has entered basements and apartment buildings, on Corso Belgio and Regio Parco. Constant hail storms fell in the province, particularly in Volpiano and Pino Torinese.

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According to forecasts, the disturbance should move to the southwestern part of Piedmont already in the afternoon, when the first weak episodes should be seen. However, the dense clouds will remain in the foothills. Temperatures, at least for today, will be slightly below the seasonal average, but starting tomorrow, Tuesday, September 8, the weather will turn good with sunny and dry conditions through Wednesday.
