Storm forecast in Varese, weather warning issued


Between lights and clouds.  Readers' storms

The regional civil protection center sees black clouds on the horizon over the Varese area: from 6:00 p.m. today, Thursday, September 10, a meteorological alert will be activated due to the risk of severe electrical storms, both in the upper area of ​​Varese and in the southern areas bordering the Milan area. Long-term alert until Friday morning.

The weather forecast center sees a temporary increase in instability in Lombardy between this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon, with the probability of strong thunderstorms varying between low and medium between tonight and tomorrow in the western sectors.

Moderate to severe thunderstorms expected, scattered to the west and isolated sectors of the Prealps, in particular between 8:00 p.m. today, Thursday 10 September (from the Apennines of Pavia, with subsequent movement from south to northwest) and 8 a.m. tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon showers scattered over the Pre-Alps, but with a low probability of intense phenomena.
