storm for regional executive audio


There is controversy in Sicily over an audio by Mario La Rocca, director general of the Sicilian Region Strategic Planning department, published in the de Sicily. “Today in Cross (the national platform for Civil Protection, ed) the first step must be abandoned on November 15 – says La Rocca in a voice message to the managers of Asp and hospitals on the island on November 4 -. ca …, because today they will make the evaluations and according to the intensive care beds they will decide in which band Sicilia resides. It is not acceptable that we suffer more restrictions because there is resistance on the part of someone to open intensive or ordinary care beds. ”

Government sends inspectors to Palermo

mario la rocca-3“For three weeks – says the super bureaucrat – I beg you to open positions. As soon as they close us tonight, the commissioner will go check who left what at Gecos and Cross. Everyone will be responsible for what Sicily will suffer in terms of restrictions. It is a responsibility that I beg you not to assume. So courtesy is to drop the entire step scheduled for November 15 in Gecos already this morning because tonight the dead and wounded will be counted … ”.

The answer: “All data are true”

And late in the morning came the intervention of La Rocca himself: “All the data uploaded to the Gecos de la Región platform – he said – are true, all the available places. A different action would constitute a crime. Let the Nas go and check everywhere even today. . But enough of looting and news between what is said and what is tacit, which have the sole function of unnecessarily alarming public opinion ”. So La Rocca about the lack of staff denounced by the unions? “The staff is there and it has to be rationalized, centralized tenders have been made, exceptions have been made to hiring. However, you have to put in good will to carry out all these actions. If everyone has fun because there is a deadline and what I can do before I can’t … “.

To be “serious” for the super bureaucrat is “to have to be called to order as abruptly as I did, but if I did not do it, there would not be all the active positions that there are today.” There is an episode that confirms his thesis for La Rocca. “The day after my recovery from Covid,” he says, “together with Commissioner Costa, I took a tour of the Palermo hospitals and found about 80 new beds that can be activated. It is the demonstration that when you want to do things, you do. .. Perhaps, then, I was not wrong in thinking that you could go the extra mile ”.

Fava: “Ministry of Health sends inspectors”

An audio that awakens the immediate position of the parliamentarian Claudio Fava, president of the Antimafia commission of the Sicilian Regional Assembly, who requests the dispatch of inspectors from the Ministry of Health.

“What does it mean? That it was necessary to load into the national tracking system even beds that do not exist -asks Fava-? What should be given as operatives to those still lacking in the medical personnel necessary for intensive care? We are altering reality so as not to end? In the red zone? And all this on the skin of Sicilians? “Hence the request.” We ask the ministry to send its inspectors to Sicily to verify what the real panorama of resilience is of our health system – emphasizes Fava -. It is inadmissible to think that the health of Sicilians has been the object of lies and bartering, since unfortunately we are confirmed not only by the complaints of the doctors’ union, but also by the serious cases that are emerging everywhere in rooms not yet activated, from Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, where the machinery lies unused in a warehouse, to Petralia, where the objectives set will not be achieved. possible before several weeks – concludes the Sicilian parliamentarian -, or to the Policlinico di Messina from which alarming and verified news arrives that contradict the guarantees of the Councilor Razza “.

Fury M5S: “Race resigns”

So instead, the regional M5S deputies, members of the Health Commission, Giorgio Pasqua, Francesco Cappello, Salvatore Siragusa and Antonio De Luca: “Pressure from the regional health council to communicate to Rome unrealistic data on Covid beds? Ministerial inspectors and the judiciary verify: a complaint is ready. Raza avoids the motion of censure and resigns first. We learned with consternation – say the parliamentarians – of these alleged pressures from the director general of the Department of Health, Mario La Rocca to upload, on the Cross and Gecos platforms, all the data related to the beds that will be activated in Sicily before 15 November, according to the schedule presented to the Health Commission. And all this on the eve of the Roman decisions on the colors that would be assigned to the regions and on the same day that the same data on beds were presented to the Ars health commission, obviously still to be activated “

“If what is reported in the article were true – the deputies continue – our doubts about the coincidence of real beds with those of paper would be greatly strengthened and we would find ourselves before one more plastic demonstration of the total and absolute lack of political reliability of the Department of Health., On which the ministerial inspectors should intervene at this point, we had already requested that they be sent to Sicily, and the Judicial Power to shed light and clarity ”.

“It is not possible – they conclude – to deceive with the health of citizens, nor can such an attitude towards the State be tolerated, the credibility of regional institutions is at stake, which thanks to Musumeci’s twists and turns has already been widely compromised. On Wednesday the motion of censure will be discussed against Razza, who along with Mario La Rocca would do better to resign today. It is a question of dignity “.
