To look at the database Of electronic invoices, only hotels and restaurants suffered an average billing decrease of more than 30%, the threshold used to request the new support launched by the Government. The report from January to November 2020, in fact, marks -40.3% compared to 2019, compared to a national average of -11.2 percent.
The three million entrepreneurs and professionals that according to Income may request the new aid, however, are of all categories.
The 30% threshold
The Sostegni decree approved last Friday by the Council of Ministers says goodbye to the list of Ateco activity codes. An option that gives everyone the opportunity to apply for a grant, even those who work in sectors not affected by the different emergency shutdown and the red zones. Ordinary professionals, previously excluded, are also admitted. And the period in which to measure the decrease in billing and commissions changes: not only the month of April -which even with -37.1% was the worst of the year- but all of 2020 in relation to 2019.
Linking the contribution to the annual loss was an idea that had already emerged at the end of the Conte government, when the budget deviation of 32 billion was ordered. At the time it was assumed that it would help those who had lost at least 33%: a threshold now raised to 30%, but which is still quite high and can exclude subjects who have suffered large losses in any event. The technical report estimates that the support will be worth a total of 11.15 billion.
The change in the calculation criteria means that there will be no automatic payments. All must request the contribution, according to the times and forms defined by the Public Treasury. The decree already establishes, however, that the request will be only telematic and – as always – it can also be made through qualified intermediaries (accountants, labor consultants, etc.), delegates to access the tax box. A novelty: instead of waiting for the money to be paid, expected from April 8, the amount can be used to offset tax debts on the F24 form.