
Stop everyone, hope is called white zone. At the traffic light designed by the government of Giuseppe Conte with Italy divided into red, orange and vesicular zones, the free band appears, which will be assigned to the most virtuous regions in terms of infections, hospitalizations and various related data COVID-19.
The idea, writes the Corriere della Sera, arose from the confrontation between the minister Dario Franceschini and members of Cts. But what is the white zone, which could arise from the January 15After the Dpcm bridge planned by the government with more restrictive measures?

In regions with best indicators may reopen bars and restaurants without time limits, gyms and swimming pools, museums, theaters, concert halls, cinemas, all of course with mandatory mask, spacing and no mounting. In short, all open and out of curfew if it falls below a certain Rt rate of infection transmission.
But what are the most virtuous Regions? Those with the lowest Rt are Abruzzo 0.65, Piedmont 0.71, Autonomous Province of Bolzano 0.76, Autonomous Province of Trento 0.71, Tuscany 0.79 e Sardinia 0.78.
