“Stop Covid patients’ home visits for general practitioners” – Corriere.it


«He entrusts general practitioners with the task of home care for Covid patients»Contrasts with emergency legislation. For this the Lazio tar partially accepted an appeal filed by the Union of Italian Doctors against some provisions of the Lazio Region. As a result of regional decisions “general practitioners – specifies the TAR – are invested with a completely inadequate home care function for Covid patients, who by law should only belong to the Special Continuous Care Units (Usca)”. The latter are the medical teams created by the local health authorities. specifically for home visits. According to the TAR, doctors would be “dangerously distracted from the task of providing ordinary care, to the detriment of the concrete possibility of helping the many non-Covid patients, many of whom even suffer from serious illnesses.”

The Lazio Region immediately announced the appeal to the Council of State against the TAR ruling that “does not take into account a picture of strong evolution of the role of general practitioners in the fight against the pandemic and reaches 8 months of the organizational methods implemented that have so far allowed Lazio to be on the call yellow zone “. «In Lazio there are more 60 thousand people in home isolation and it is technically impossible to manage them solely with the Usca ”, underlines the Crisis Unit of the Region.

A passage from‘regional order of last March 17 -that is, the one that prescribes to evaluate the possible activation of the Usca in positive COVID patients- was contested by the Union of doctors when “considering the intervention of home care as merely possible.” But this type of intervention must be, not a simple “eventuality”, but the main and exclusive objective of the Usca. “When evaluating these and other considerations, the TAR considered the well-founded appeal. “The plaintiffs are right – write the judges – when they affirm that the emergency legislator intended to provide that family doctors could continue in the ordinary care activity, without having to take care of the home care of Covid patients.” Therefore, “the assignment to general practitioners of the home care task of Covid patients is in contrast to those provisions.”

November 16, 2020 (change November 16, 2020 | 18:13)

