Stop bringing food and drinks: we leave tomorrow at 11pm


New provisions to contain the Covid-19 infection

CATANIA – To counteract the resurgence of Covid-19 infections and the current epidemiological trend in the Sicilian territory, also due to an excessive relaxation of individual measures and behaviors, sometimes linked to moments of improvised aggregation (nightlife), the Deputy Mayor Roberto Bonaccorsi, in his capacity as mayor, has issued an order that prohibits public establishments (bars, pubs, restaurants, etc.) from selling food and drinks to take away from 11pm until closing time. A similar prohibition applies to neighborhood businesses (delicatessens, bakeries, supermarkets, etc …) from 9:30 p.m. The provision, prepared in agreement with the councilor for productive activities Ludovico Balsamo, in line with what was agreed on October 7, in the prefecture, during the meeting of the Public Order and Security Commission, in the presence of the merchants’ organizations. , goes from Saturday October 10. Furthermore, with the Bonaccorsi provision, it is forbidden to consume food and beverages after 11pm on public streets and squares.

Consumption within the facilities of public establishments as well as in outdoor spaces authorized by the administration and take-out food for delivery (therefore at home) is allowed until 02:00 hours. Take-out sales are also allowed in properly sealed containers for both food and beverages, which must be consumed in buyers’ homes. In the same union ordinance, the owners of activities that do not use seats such as kiosks, vehicles equipped for the sale of sandwiches and grills and other artisan activities in the food sector without administration are obliged to comply with the same provisions. Also in this case, take-out food is allowed as delivery (therefore home delivery) from 23:00 to 02:00.

Sales to carry in properly closed containers are also authorized, both for food and beverages, which must be consumed at the buyers’ homes. “We are sure that both exhibitors and citizens – said Deputy Mayor Roberto Bonaccorsi – will understand that it is necessary to take preventive measures to avoid early closures of operators, as has already happened in other regions of Italy. We must all work together with appropriate conduct to guarantee public health, avoiding and preventing meetings near the premises of public establishments, which will continue to carry out their activities on a regular basis for customers with seats, in compliance with the regulations, that the The same operators, however, have requested and shared it responsibly ”.
