stop at soccer, parties and close to nightlife



Signed by Dpcm: stop at soccer, parties and close to nightlife

According to government sources, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has signed the new Dpcm on measures to deal with the Covid-19 emergency. Strong recommendation to use masks even at home, in the presence of people who do not live together; closing of the premises at midnight; Parties in private homes are not recommended if the participants exceed 6 units. These are some of the measures contained in the new provision that came to light the night after the discussion with the representatives of the regions and local authorities.

School trips were suspended and amateur contact sports were discontinued. The closure of the nightlife has also been confirmed: the closure of the premises is set for midnight with the prohibition of parking and drinking outside the enclosure from 21, except table service. Parties are prohibited in all indoor and outdoor venues, except those resulting from civil or religious ceremonies, which can take place with a maximum presence of 30 people.

Participation in sporting events is set at 15% of the stadiums and arenas capacity, with a maximum limit of 1000 spectators for outdoor events and 200 for indoor events. Same maximum ceiling, 1000 outdoors and 200 indoors, for theatrical performances, cinema and concerts. A relief from the quarantine is expected, which passes from 14 to 10 days, and the green light to the single buffer.

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LABEL: Dpcm, Dpcm signed, coronavirus, coronavirus emergency, Covid-19, nearby nightlife, parties, soccer stop, mask at home, ceremonies, weddings, single buffer, quarantine
