“Stay at home. Serious situation, criticality in the short term»


Covid, Rt index at 1.5:

The picture related to COVID-19 in Italy. The situation in Italy shows signs of criticality of local services and of “imminent achievement of critical thresholds for welfare services”. The evidence of rapidly increasing cases with a national Rt of 1.5 in its mean value and significantly higher than 1 indicate a “general and very serious situation in the national territory with the risk of important short-term critical problems in many regions / Italian AP “. the weekly monitoring of the Ministry of Health-Iss.

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Covid, Rt above 1.25 in most regions

The epidemic is “worsening rapidly and in general it is compatible with a type 3 scenario with a higher rate of progression in some Italian regions: in fact, Rt values ​​above 1.25 are found in most Italian regions / PAs “. This is highlighted in the weekly report of the Ministry of Health – Iss.

Unsustainable workload in health services

The workload is no longer sustainable in the territorial health services with evidence of the impossibility of fully tracing the transmission chains and an increase in the proportion of cases highlighted by symptoms (which for the first time this week exceed the cases identified through contact tracing). ). In the period from October 1 to 14, 2020, the Rt transmissibility index calculated in symptomatic cases is equal to 1.50 and “warning signs of the resilience of local services in all Regions / PAs” are reported. This is highlighted in the weekly report of the Ministry of Health – Iss.

More than 7,600 shoots

There are a total of 7,625 active outbreaks, of which 1,286 are new, and for the first time in eleven weeks the number of new outbreaks is decreasing (in the previous monitoring week, 4,913 active outbreaks were reported, of which 1,749 new). “This decrease is probably due to the sharp increase in cases in which the territorial services have not been able to identify an epidemiological link. Outbreaks have been reported in almost all provinces (106/107). Most of these outbreaks continue to occur in the home setting (81.7%), which at this time represents a context of amplification of the viral circulation and not the true engine of the epidemic ”. This was reported by the Iss-Ministry of Health of weekly monitoring of Covid.

Schools, limited contagion

Outbreaks in which transmission may have occurred in the school setting are increasing this week, although intra-school transmission still appears limited (3.5% of all new outbreaks in which the context of transmission has been reported). However, it is evident that extracurricular and per-school activities can be a trigger for transmission chains if the foreseen prevention measures are not respected. This was highlighted by the follow-up of the Ministry of Health-Iss.

“23,018 reported cases not associated with known transmission chains (compared to 9,291 last week), which corresponds to 43.5% of the total cases notified this week.” This was revealed by the weekly Iss-Ministry of Health follow-up on the trend of the spread of Covid-19 for the week of October 12-18, 2020 (updated to October 20, 2020).

Intensive therapy

This week, at the national level, there was a significant increase in the number of people hospitalized (7,131 vs 4,519 in the medical area, 750 vs 420 in intensive care on 10/18 and 10/11, respectively) and, consequently, the rates occupancy of medical and intensive care hospitalizations, with some regions / PPAA higher than 10%. If the trend maintains the current pace, “there is a high probability that many Regions / HAPPs will reach critical employment thresholds in a very short time.” Monitoring of the Ministry of Health – Iss.

“Limit leaving home”

Given the current epidemiological situation, “it is important to limit going home to what is strictly necessary.” This was stated by the general director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Giovanni Rezza, in the video that accompanies the weekly monitoring of the Ministry and the ISS. For Rezza it is also “important to continue behaving with caution, such as physical distancing, constant use of masks and hand washing.”

The Rt index region by region

Aosta Valley 2.37
Umbria 1.69
Tuscany 1.51
Sicily 1.28
Sardinia 1.16
Apulia 1.52
Trent 1.26
Piedmont 1.83
Bolzano 1.8
Molise 1.45
Walk 1.47
Lombardy 1.64
Liguria 1.46
Straight 1.38
Friuli 1.38
E. Romagna 1.52
Campania 1.45
Calabria 1.29
Basilicata 0.95
Abruzzo 1.50
Veneto 1.50

Last updated: 20:10

