Once again, the measures announced by the minister Fabiana Dadone compact the face of the seams. After the national general strike of public administration employees on December 9, to protest “the lack of the necessary resources to work safely, to start a vast labor planning and stabilization of precarious work and to finance the renewals of the Convention Colectivo Nacional de Trabajo “, the reforms announced by 5Stelle Fabiana Dadone trigger the union’s response. And it is not positive.
In an interview with the newspaper The messengerDadone referred to the ministerial decree Pola, which contains the guidelines of the Organizational Plan for Agile Work (POLA) and performance indicators. In particular, regarding smart work, Dadone suggests that multiple systems are needed to remotely monitor employee work and evaluate the results in terms of the service provided that can lead to productivity bonuses. In addition, those who are inefficient, according to the pre-established parameters, will have to return to work in the office. According to Cgil Fp, the minister brandishes “intelligent work as reward or punishment.”
“Apart from innovation, here we are in catering – is the hard statement of FP CGIL -. The mask of Minister Dadone falls: nothing new, old recipes like cucco. We read with amazement the news and the words of the Minister, thus receiving confirmation that there is nothing innovative with respect to the approach we have towards the reform of the public administration, its digitization and the enhancement of female workers. of the public sector “.
“We have been criticized in recent days for our mobilization, continue the unions, which denounces the insufficiency of the measures implemented by the government for the reactivation and requalification of the PA, now we say: it can be read in black and white that the The government’s recipe is certainly not up to a major mobilization of the public sector to capitalize the Recovery Fund, together with other public investments and European resources, which could represent a turning point for public administrations ”.
Public administration at the forefront of the new
by Giovanna Melandri
Today, during a webinar, Minister Dadone relaunched the idea of a rejuvenation of public administration to overcome “cultural obstacles”. “The public administration has to deal with the advanced average age of the employees – said Dadone – training is needed to overcome the cultural obstacle of approaching different work environments”.