State seats, the managers elected by Renzi and Gentiloni remain on top of Eni, Enel, Leonardo and Poste: only the presidents change. The 5 Stella indicate the CEOs of Enav, Mps and Terna


The match of State appointments has crossed the emergency coronavirus. And the result – in the impossibility of postpone year, the choice is that at the top of the main public shares managers elected by dem governments stand firm Renzi and Gentiloni. the 5 star movement, amid protests by Alessandro Di Battista and a group of dissidents that includes former ministers Giulia Grillo and Barbara Lezzitherefore, it also accepted the reconfirmation of Claudio Descalzi everyone “Eni despite the legal events involving him. From the lists filed by the Treasury Monday night (outside the time limit, the deadline was April 18) full continuity also arises in At, Leonardo and Post: only change Presidencies, generally a representative and non-representative role operative like the one of the CEOs. Nominations will be deliberated by meetings of the shareholders of each company.

The lists of the other three companies that had top management are ready but not yet published: mps, Terna and ENAV. Here the 5 stars place their candidates Guido Bastianini, Stefano Donnarumma and Paolo Simioni. I am just five women out of a total of 14 main roles. And it is in all cases of presidencies. More balanced, thanks to the obligation of “pink quotas”, the composition of the boards.

Appointments, Di Battista:
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Appointments, Di Battista: “The M5 must say no to Descalzi’s reconfirmation in Eni”. Former Minister Lezzi y Grillo: ‘Problem of internal democracy’

In Eni, Enel, Leonardo and Poste the men chosen by Renzi and Gentiloni remain. – The head of the oil and gas group, the Treasury will leave the manager appointed in 2014 by the government of Matteo Renzi. Descalzi is accused in Milan of international corruption for the alleged tangent of more than a billion paid to politicians Nigerian and international mediators and is under investigation for the conflict of interest in Congowhere the companies controlled by his wife Marie Madeleine Ingoba They provided Eni with logistics services. The leader of Live Italy, even as a “viewer”, also collects Enel’s confirmation of Francesco Starace, entered the same partial session. So much so that the former Prime Minister comments: “I am going out winner despite not having participated because the people we identified are good enough to reconfirm themselves without having to fight for them. “Instead, they were nominated by the successor Paolo Gentiloni, now the EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs, the current number one Post Matteo Del Fante – e Leonardo Alessandro Profumo – that they pick up a new mandate of the government of Conte 2. The 5 stars had opposed the confirmation of Profumo, accused of the incorrect accounting of the derivatives Alexandria and Santorini when he was president of Mps.

Presidents of Calvosa, Chrysostom and Letter – In the four main public groups, as mentioned, the presidents change. The Ministry of Economy indicates for the six-legged dog, instead of Emma Marcegaglia, Lucia Calvosa, university professor of business law with experience as an independent director on board of directors Timfrom Monte dei Paschi di Siena and of Seif, the publisher of the Daily done. While the Apulian lawyer will join Enel Starace Michele Chrysostom, the man who prepared the appeal against the EU Commission who saw Italy win on the purchase of Tercas Banking by the Popolare di Bari. Leonardo’s presidency, on the other hand, asked for and got 5 stars Luciano Carta, former chief of staff for finance and today leading theExternal information and security agency (AISE). Finally Post where it was decided to reconfirm the outgoing president Maria Bianca Farina.

The board of directors – On the Treasury lists, along with the names of the new leaders, there are also those of the new directors. On the board of directors Eni the former deputy mayor of Milan enters Ada Lucia De Cesaris (Italia viva), the director of Iai Nathalie Tocci, the former chief secretary of the undersecretary of the Ministry of Development, Davide Crippa Emanuele Piccinno and the former Treasury executive Filippo Giansante.
The new advisers At Will Alberto Marchi (Mc Kinsey), the communicator Constance Esclapon (ex Banca Intesa, Alitalia, Wind, Rai), the law professor Mirella Pellegrini and the economist Mariana Mazzucato.
For Leonardo, the names indicated in the list presented for the shareholders’ meeting on May 13 are those of Carmine america, former friend of Luigi Di Maio’s school who brought him first to the Ministry of Development and then to Foreign Affairs, Pierfrancesco Barletta (ex-Milanosport president), manager of via XX Settembre Elena comparativePaola Giannetakis (Professor at Link Campus University, appointed by Di Maio among the papal ministers of an M5 government), former Minister of Development of the Renzi government Federica Guidi (give him resignation due to the participation of the former partner in the investigation of the Eni plants in Basilicata), the lawyer Maurizio Pinnarò, the treasure manager of Ivana Warrior and high-tech entrepreneur Novica Mrdovic Vianello.
For Italian post offices, whose meeting is scheduled for May 15, the Treasury list includes a board of directors made up of a lawyer Bernardo De Stasio, the former councilor Consap Daniela FavrinElizabeth Lunati (ex Intesa) e Davide Iacovoni, public debt administrator of the Mef.

At Mps, Terna and Enav managers close to M5 – Cards are shuffled into place on mps, Terna and ENAV. To guide the bank of Siena, of which the Treasury remains the largest shareholder since the divestment has been further postponed, it is called Guido Bastianini, backed by the 5 Star Movement. He was deputy director general of Capitalia and president of Bank Profile before landing driving carige. Patrizia Grieco comes to the presidency, today to Enel. Stefano Donnarumma, the manager chosen by the Virgina board, is indicated for the CEO presidency Ray in 2017 to drive Acea. And always for the experience in the capital, this time forattack, another five-star candidate is coming, Paolo Simioni, chosen to lead the ENAV. The President will join them. Valentina Bosetti, Associate Professor of Environmental Economics and Economics of Climate Change at Bocconi, e Francesca Isgrò, administrative attorney at the firm Orrick, who since 2017 joined the Poste board of directors on the advice of the Gentiloni government.

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