State of emergency Covid-19, the new extension and its consequences


The state of emergency Covid-19 will be extended again by the government beyond the term of October 15th. The decision is not official yet, but The sun 24 hours He already anticipates that next week will arrive in the council of ministers the text of the extension decree. And the decision cannot be without consequences on smart work, masks and tampons for those who travel and those who go to school.

Extension of the state of emergency Covid-19: until when

The newspaper explains that there is concern about the upturn in infections, which grew in 24 hours to 1,912 cases (the highest number since the end of the confinement) and the increase in beds occupied in the Covid wards and in intensive care. At this stage, Italy continues to present less serious data than the rest of the European countries, especially with regard to the new rapid spread of the pandemic in France (21 thousand cases in a single day), Spain and the United Kingdom.

Therefore, the extension of the state of emergency is also taken for granted because if it was confirmed in July, when the daily increase stopped below 400 hours, it will be further expanded now that infections have increased fivefold to almost two thousand. What has not been decided is: until when? “We will make an evaluation in a few weeks, we will be ready for any eventuality,” said Speranza, without excluding the possibility of a mini-confinement “at the subprovincial level”, excluding “for the moment” more extensive interventions.

The government could limit the extension to two and a half months, as happened last time, thus reaching December 31, 2020. On the other hand, the last time it was extended from July 30 to October 15, amid the controversy of the opposition and the attacks on Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who had announced that he wanted to continue until December 31.

However, some in government think that even the end of the year may not be enough to declare the end of the coronavirus emergency. The first doses of the vaccine could be available in January and this could convince the executive to move with the date of the 15th in mind.

No tampon, no back to school

Extension of the state of emergency Covid-19: what consequences on smart work, masks and tampons

Until then we will continue with the “exceptional” measures: from the widespread use of smart work, to accelerated purchases of goods to face the pandemic (masks, gowns, benches on wheels, etc.) headed by Commissioner Domenico Arcuri, it also expires if there is no extension.

Regarding smart work, explains Il Sole, any extension, until the end of the year, of the state of emergency will affect the simplified regulation, in force until mid-October, in repeal of Law 81 of 2017, dictated precisely by the need to prevent possible infections in the company.

To establish a direct link between the Covid-19 alarm and “simpler” smart work were all emergency measures, first of all the relaunch decree, which, in article 90, provided that the work method could be applied agile. from private employers to any subordinate employment relationship even in the absence of individual agreements, and this until the end of the state of emergency (then set at July 31, 2020) and, in any case, no later than December 31, 2020. In the absence of interventions, as of October 16, Law 81 will come into force again, with the need, among other things, to proceed to individual agreements to activate agile work.

But relapses could also be related to the use of the mask. In fact, the renewal of the state of emergency would not only expand the current rules that provide the obligation to wear a mask in closed places open to the public and in the open air from 18 to 6 hours in all those places where the formation of gatherings is easier, such as meeting places for nightlife. But it could allow, in case of growth of infections, to pass the obligation to wear the mask outdoors throughout the day, following what the Campania Region has already decided.

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