State, another 500 million in maneuvering for new contracts. The Cig-Covid also in 2021


State, another 500 million in maneuvering for new contracts.  The Cig-Covid also in 2021

Another majority summit. A new meeting between the Government and the heads of delegation of the parties that support it to try to find the square in the maneuver of 40,000 million euros that, as confirmed by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, the council of ministers is expected to approve by the end of the week. The menu will be rich. And the provision should also include a new endowment of around 500 million euros to finance the renewal of the state contract of 3.2 million divided into four sectors: central functions, health, local authorities and education.

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3.175 million have already been entered in the budget, resources considered insufficient by the unions that are asking for another 2.000 million. Also because the available funds are already partially committed to financing the so-called compensation element, the increase of 20 euros per month for the lowest incomes that in the previous contract had been financed “on time”, and the reorganization of careers. The unions, which in the last 12 years have only obtained an increase of 85 euros gross per month, would like to take home an increase of at least 100 euros. The 500 million, however, could be the necessary step at least to start the negotiating table. A table where many other issues will have to be addressed, starting with the regulation of smart work. The maneuver will begin with the sending to Brussels of the Dpb, the budget planning document, which will contain the main chapters and resources of the government provision.

Income support

On this, the image is quite clear. Of the 40 billion from the maneuver, 17 will be financed from the Recovery Plan funds, while the other 23 will be in deficit. The largest chapter will concern the work to which fifteen billion will be dedicated. About 5 should finance a new round of Cig Covid, this time limited to the sectors most affected by the crisis for which the block of layoffs could also be expanded. And, as confirmed by the Minister of Labor Nunzia Catalfo, the income aid for tourism and entertainment workers will arrive. Another 5,000 million will be used to extend the 30% reduction in labor costs for southern companies beyond December 31 and to introduce a deduction for new hires (50% for three years, up to 100% for under 35 years and women). . Furthermore, a “generational renewal” system should be introduced to incorporate young people into the world of work. Furthermore, the government intends to sterilize the impact of the falling GDP due to Covid on future pensions.


Then, as the Vice Minister Laura Castelli indicated yesterday, there will be aid to the most affected companies. The idea would be to set up ad hoc funds in which to allocate part of the resources of the maneuver, also to assess the evolution of the pandemic and not risk leaving out those who may get into difficulties in the coming months. The most complex chapter continues to be the prosecutor. Undoubtedly, one of the funds will go towards the start of the one-child allowance that the government would like to start in the middle of next year. To fund it, environmentally harmful subsidies would also be reduced, starting with tax breaks for diesel and tax deductions. The idea would be to set an income ceiling beyond which the discounts granted by the tax authorities are reduced (technicians work on a ceiling of 2% of the deductible amounts for income from 100,000 euros). Certainly there will be confirmation (worth 2,000 million), of the wedge cut for incomes between 27 thousand and 40 thousand euros. On the table there is also the cancellation of a series of mini-taxes that, in total, are worth 500 million: from the mushroom picking, to the license tax, through noise emissions and fees for notarial files.

Last Updated: October 15, 00:49

