starts in June only, but has been quick to expand


What Mario Draghi called an amnesty for old tax bills is the result of a painstaking compromise within the majority. After a negotiation that lasted for weeks and which had moments of tension in the hours before the Council of Ministers two days ago, an agreement was reached on a double ceiling to limit the operation.

Support decree, emergency income: up to 840 euros for another three months. Here’s who it is and how to apply.

First: it will be possible to obtain the scrapping of the debt only below the value of 5 thousand euros of the role (as long as you have an income of less than 30 thousand euros to benefit from it). Second: there will be a shorter time window, from 2000 to 2010, rather than until 2015 as initially assumed.

Scrapping of folders, amnesty in half. Support decree: sector by sector aid

But the main consequence of this arrangement is that the operation will not really start before June. Because it is true that the decree approved by the Council of Ministers suspends, as of its entry into force, the collection of files with the above characteristics (and the related prescription periods). But at the same time it refers, for the definition of the methods and times for the cancellation of credits, to a measure of execution of the Ministry of Economy to be emitted within the thirty days following the date of conversion of the decree itself, foreseeably in two months or a little less. So even if the Ministry of Economy were particularly quick to adopt its provision, it would still arrive in June or immediately around that month.

Folders, amnesty until 2010 (and ceiling of 5,000 euros), but income limit. What you need to know

But it is very likely that at that time the indications were given based on rules other than those established in black and white in the Sostegni decree. A part of the majority, Lega and Forza Italia, have already made it known that they want to work on an extension of the amnesty. Extension that, according to Claudio Durigon, undersecretary of the Northern League of the Ministry of Economy, should affect both the threshold of 5,000 euros, both the temporary extension of the measure (to reach the years after 2010) and the ceiling of Income in the whole time to 30 thousand euros of taxable income, both for individuals and companies. Faced with this approach, however, the Democratic Party, with its economic director Antonio Misiani (vice minister of Economy in the previous executive).
Meanwhile, the technical report shows that the cost of the operation will be 306 million for the first year, destined to rise in total to 666 in 2025: much less than the approximately 1,800 million initially projected. The solution defined so far, as already mentioned, satisfies the most left wing of the maxi-majority, which did not digest a broad amnesty as originally proposed, but also allows the center-right, and Italia Viva, to claim the successful because we will proceed closely with tax collection reform. With the new cancellation of tax debts, which follows that of mini-invoices under 1000 euros in 2019, debts with a residual amount of up to 5,000 euros will be automatically canceled, including capital, interest and penalties, including invoices still subject to scrapping. . Not all taxes will be deductible. The most important (Irpef, IVA, IRAP and automobile fines) can be canceled but the government has excluded some concepts such as credits related to the recovery of state aid, fines and penalties due in case of criminal convictions, credits derived from sentences. of conviction by the Court of Auditors, European VAT and debts for which executive, bankruptcy or debt restructuring procedures have been initiated. The sums paid by the taxpayers before the actual cancellation will continue to be acquired by the Treasury and therefore cannot be returned.
Regarding the income limit set at 30 thousand euros (relative to income tax and not to ISEE, unlike what was previously hypothesized) the same technical report to measure estimates that this “participation” however excludes only a limited portion of potential beneficiaries. In fact, according to the simulations, around 83 percent of the tax codes, compared to the audience of those who have tax debts of up to 5,000 euros in the established period, will still be able to benefit from the amnesty.
