Luca Zaia also live today, Saturday 14 November, from the Civil Protection headquarters in Marghera. The latest updates on the Covid pandemic in our area. Meanwhile, the latest news is that Veneto remains in the yellow zone but is “surrounded”: yesterday in fact the announcement that Friuli Venezia Giulia and Emilia Romagna, the two regions that had agreed and issued the new ordinance the concert with Veneto, they have happened in the orange band. The governor made it clear why our region was still the only big one in the north at the lower end, listing the elements and parameters that were taken into consideration to insert a territory in one band or another. Although, he highlighted how, despite the fact that Friuli and Emilia are not “ruined regions”, the algorithm that establishes the location is “ruthless”.
Two good news, the first refers to the contagion rate in Veneto, which has dropped to 1.29 and the other the DIY tests: from Monday the experimentation with 5 thousand tests will begin. Finally, a call from the governor so that this weekend is marked, in a way, by austerity, or rather, by responsibility. Zaia reminded citizens to avoid social gatherings, asked for a sacrifice for the good of all and for the respect of those who work in the health sector and of all hospitalized patients.
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Zaia lives today
Swabs made to date: 2 million 547 thousand 409, plus more than 577 thousand rapid tests. “More than 53,000 tampons in one day, today’s record is a record,” Zaia said. Positive: +3578 in 24 hours, there are 98,084 to date since the start of the pandemic. The positive epr buffer number is one third of March. On the other hand, currently 59,705 citizens are positive. 26,478 people isolated (+5,207 in 24 hours). 1,976 people hospitalized (+29 always in 24 hours). 241 patients in intensive care (+14). Total casualties: 2,816 (+52 in the last 24 hours).
Rt Veneto today
The data is important, the contagion index in our region: today the RT in Veneto is 1.29. The index went down.
Red, orange and yellow zone: Rt index at 1 and the government’s plan for Christmas will circulate again
Tamponi e Covid Point
“We still have the system of Covid points, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., reinforced, put on the network so that the citizen always has clarity on where to go. We strengthen at least one Covid Point in each Ulss that operates 24 hours, plus the others from 7 to 19 “. Zaia confirmed this at the conference, adding: «In Verona we have more difficulties from an organizational point of view, others where it is done very quickly. It is true that there are “bottlenecks”, where there are expectations, but we must understand that beyond certain numbers it becomes difficult to be perfect ».
Quick tests, the Crisanti study is a case. The letter of the two primaries: “The prof did not inform us”
Rapid tests
«They will arrive between Monday and Tuesday 5,000 DIY tests: testing and validation should begin. “This was announced by the president of Veneto Luca Zaia.
“Did you see yesterday that Prof. Guerra from the WHO said ‘I have already seen the first tests do it yourself that will be distributed in pharmaceutical products: when we said it – adds Zaia – they gave us the dupes”. “Now that the WHO says it “, he points out,” someone takes us seriously. “The governor of Veneto announces that” he will probably show the DIY test next week. You will understand the practicality. Then of course we will have to test it and authorize its dissemination – he concludes -. If we had this possibility, with an expense of a few euros, the published health plan also changes ”..
General practitioners
“We have reached an agreement for 100 thousand more swabs from the Region to doctors, upon request until exhaustion,” said Zaia, confirming what was anticipated in recent days about new supplies of swabs to general practitioners who perform tests on patients. in their Education.
Veneto Yellow Zone
«We stay in the yellow zone” more “, as I call it. I’m not convinced that Friuli Venezia Giulia and Emilia Romagna have ruined situations, The truth is that the algorithm is ruthless. We must recognize the governors’ willingness to be in place, with the ordinance that we had shared. What happens to us now? «The ordinance invites us not to create gatherings, basically it says not to flood the centers, squares, main avenues. Remember that behind the yellow band is the orange, if not the red one, with the lock. The challenge for us Venetians is to avoid meetings Because hospitals are very tight, we have a lot of hospitalized patients, let’s make this weekend a civic-minded weekend, where even a small action can go a long way toward suffering doctors and patients. . Wear the mask obsessively. If we go to the orange zone, it is over, we no longer have freedom of choice, but it would no longer be the case with the municipal limit ”, Zaia recalled.
“We are the only large region in the northern yellow zone, we have not gained anything and I am also worried, really: I would not like anyone to lower their guard this week. And I ask young people for the sacrifice, and I know that it is a great sacrifice: avoid making gatherings.
“To those who organize events and who have moved the schedule to noon, I tell them not to do it, Covid is not exorcised like that, it is taken. I don’t want to send complaints and police officers, I want to appeal to a sense of responsibility ”.
Why does Veneto stay in the yellow band?
“The real problem is the maintenance of the health system, RT and intensive care.” Zaia answered the question why Veneto retains the lowest Covid rank. The elements to take into account are, therefore, a low contagion rate and a low impact on hospitalization and investment in home therapy. “In the previous weeks we had two problems – explained Zaia -: the change of operating system and the migration of all the data. In addition, the care to patients at home on which we pass to level ».
The controversy. “We do not empty hospitals»
“We do not give orders to empty the hospitals, we have a serious organization, not a whore. We are too perfect and too well organized to do such a thing. Veneto President Luca Zaia denies that hospitals are discharging patients to reduce the total number of health facilities in the region. The governor emphasizes that the doctors “checked the data” of the patients, in particular in relation to asymptomatic positives and particular situations, and that the hospitalization data is “also the result of home work.”
«In Veneto there is a shorter hospital stay than in March because now patients are treated well »: this is how the president of Veneto Luca Zaia responds to the accusations of having taken out some patients to” lower “the number of hospitalized patients. “A case has been created out of nothing,” he repeats. We only checked to see if there was anyone in the ward who was not qualified to stay there.
What are the symptoms of Covid? Headache, cloudy mind, red eyes, and fatigue
Controls in the territory
“I do not want to encourage coercion, I believe that the Venetians are responsible, the police and mayors follow the ordinances and controls will be carried out, but there is no control room,” said Zaia.
“We want to print all the names with the payments and the exact accounting to understand how much collected and how it is spent.
Zaia: «Anti-Covid vaccine: it could become a kind of ‘pass’». Nurses missing
In the car you get infected, even with the mask
Two people in a car with a mask become infected: “the mask does not protect against the aerosol, which in closed places, shared for a long time, is a vehicle for the virus”. This is an example that Zaia cites today to explain the cases in which the mask is not enough to prevent contagion.
Christmas locked up, grandparents and grandchildren together: how to do it? Outdoors and no toast, the rules
Questions and answers New Veneto ordinance: what can and cannot be done?
Will florists be able to stay open tomorrow in Veneto? No. And the hairdressers? Yes. And will the children in school really no longer be able to attend physical education? It is up to Rome Like last spring, when each ordinance was followed by questions, clarifications, requests for clarification, this latest provision of the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia that comes into force today has raised doubts.
Last update: November 15 at 10:20 am