Conte signed new Dpcm with anti-restrictive measuresCOVID-19, among which the closure everybody mineral 18 of everything restaurants, Pub and ice cream parlors (which, however, can also open on Sundays, unlike the Dpcm stall). The new Dpcm, which Conte will illustrate at 1:30 pm with a press conference, will be in effect from tomorrow until November 24. What was saved by the last Dpcm closes – gyms me swimming pool, game rooms and casinos, and goes further with mandatory lockdown for movie theater me theater, the stop for parties, including weddings and communions, and for school trips. The shopping centers will remain open on Sundays despite requests from the governors.
CLICK HERE to download the Dpcm in PDF
READ ALSO Movements between regions are allowed. But it is “recommended” not to leave the municipality of residence
Drastic provisions, severely contested by the Regions, but defended with the sword by Minister Speranza even in the evening meeting with the heads of delegation. Speranza, with the force of the alarm given by the Technical Scientific Committee, has guarded Palazzo Chigi throughout the day. What happened on Friday night in Naples further pushed the Prime Minister to maintain the balance between the health and economic emergency. He promises the leaders of the group a decree to finance the affected sectors for the week that opens, but in the majority, not all share the grip of public companies.
Pools and gyms
“The activities of gyms, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers, spas are suspended, with the exception of those with compulsory healthcare or that provide services included in the essential healthcare levels, as well as cultural centers, social centers and centers. Recreational Notwithstanding the suspension of swimming pool and gym activities, basic sports and physical activity generally carried out outdoors in public and private sports centers and clubs, are allowed in compliance with the social distancing regulations and without any type of meeting “.
Games, cinemas, theaters
«The activities of games rooms, betting rooms, bingo halls and casinos are suspended; Shows open to the public are suspended in theaters, concert halls, cinemas and other spaces, even outdoors ”.
And the
“Retail commercial activities are carried out on the condition that it is ensured, in addition to the interpersonal distance of at least one meter, that entries are made with delay and that it is prevented from staying inside the premises longer than necessary to purchase the merchandise; The aforementioned activities must be carried out respecting the content of appropriate protocols or guidelines to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion “.
Bars and restaurants
“The activities of catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are allowed from 5 to 18 hours; consumption is allowed at the table for a maximum of four people per table, unless they all live together; after 6 pm it is forbidden to consume food and drink in public places open to the public; catering is allowed in hotels and other accommodation facilities without a time limit, limited to its customers, who stay there; Catering with home delivery is always allowed, complying with the hygienic-sanitary regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with takeout food until midnight, with prohibition of consumption in the place or in the vicinity ”.
At 1.30 pm, a live press conference from Palazzo Chigi to illustrate the measures of the new DPCM pic.twitter.com/zzQejfVQyM
– Giuseppe Conte (@GiuseppeConteIT) October 25, 2020
Dad at least 75% for high school
In secondary schools it will be possible to take distance education even above 75%. The draft circulated yesterday provided for “a participation equal to 75 of the activities” in Dad, but in the final version the article was rewritten, providing “a participation equal to at least 75% of the activities.” A formula that, in fact, complies with the different Regions that had asked to take Dad 100%. Now that the ball passes into the hands of the school autonomies, it will be the principals who decide the part of dad: from this figure we must safeguard students with disabilities and Bes, or special educational needs.
«It is strongly recommended that private entrepreneurs use the agile way of working ”, adds the new Dpcm.
The new Dpcm establishes that “all natural persons are strongly recommended not to travel in public or private means of transport, except for reasons of work, study, health, situations of need or to carry out activities or take advantage of the services not suspended”. So moving is possible, but not highly recommended. Translated: not okay if you are traveling, but you need to be aware of the risks. Police will continue to check for law enforcement in clubs and restaurants – time is now added of early closing – and also in the street: the meetings are obviously prohibited and the mask must always be used.
Closed ski resorts
«The lifts of the ski areas are closed. It may only be used by professional and non-professional athletes, recognized as being of national interest by the Coni, the CIP and / or the respective federations to allow preparation aimed at the holding of national and international sports competitions or the holding of said competitions. The lifts are open to amateur skiers only after the adoption of specific guidelines by the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces and validated by the Technical-Scientific Committee, aimed at avoiding crowds of people and, in general, meetings ”.
Public and private tenders
Public and private contests can still be held. In the text of the Dpcm signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, the prohibition to carry it out provided for in the draft is actually skipped. In fact, in the letter z of article 1 of the text circulated yesterday it is established that “the public and private bankruptcy procedures and those of qualification to the profession are suspended … with the exception of those of health and civil protection personnel … without prejudice to the procedures in progress.
Last updated: 14:41